Rewrite 2nd Season Promotional Video Released

In preparation for its debut on the 14th of January, Aniplex have published a full-length promotional video of the first episode of Rewrite 2nd Season! There's some spoilers in there, but without context it probably won't make a lot of sense, so proceed however you desire. Give it a watch

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wow so I am going to assume in the part of the anime that covers Moon Kotarou will get to see what could have happened or basically we will get glimpses of the other routes.

Moon spoilers

Moon takes place outside of all routes, and the Kotarou in Moon is a culmination of the Kotarous from all routes, seen and unseen. I’m guessing what we’re seeing here is Kotarou’s memories of his past lives.

I found the PV quite good in several scenes. It makes me that they have attempted a adaptation of the route of Kotori.
But I found the body proportion of Akane a little weird in the bed scene, the head seems too big and it’s a shame that only the fan of the VN will understand the scene with the two Lucia.

But it was nice to wait the 2nd season.

Yeah there’s lots of Harvest festa spoilers in there, ahaha.

All I can say about this is it’s… interesting. Quite a lot of unnecessary footage (especially from Harvest Festa) so it worries me a lot as to what exactly they plan to animate. Here I thought they’d be a bit more focused on just Moon and Terra but if they get sidetracked too much, that wouldn’t really help the adaptation much.

Oh well, I can only hope that they can keep their focus in this 2nd cour


If the scenes are just going to be tiny vignettes as shown in the PV, it might be able to facilitate the storytelling safely. I honestly don’t know what to expect from this season pacing-wise, but that would be the best-case scenario, personally.

In any case, am I right to assume that in the Kotori scene, they were talking about what Salvation is? If so, I can see why it got itself a full-fledged scene – after all, Moon discusses about various questions in the narrative such as that.

Same sentiments. ;-;

Well, that was an enjoyable PV for Rewrite 2nd Season. Anyway, I hope this season they’ll be able to work things out. I’m still having doubts but there may be a chance that it might be able to adapt Moon and Terra routes in Rewrite without issues. I was surprised to see some Harvest Festa scenes though I haven’t played it yet so I might have been spoiled a bit. :sweat_smile: I don’t mind it though. We’ll just wait and see how this goes then~


Nah, in classic Kotarou form, he was asking about what it means to be nine years old. At least they were able to capture Tanaka’s existential themes, you know.

Not having read HF, it took me awhile to figure out what you guys were talking about, all this sidetracking and Harvest Festa stuff. I actually had a completely different idea of what those scenes were, which I think @Aspirety might have kinda mentioned too?

(Moon) In Moon, Kotarou talks about how he has tons of memories of all the different simulations Moon Kagari had run through. My guess is, instead of “adapting Harvest Festa”, like many of you seem to be worried about, they are just going to use these scenes as Kotarou’s “memories.” Correct me if Im wrong, but isn’t that what HF actually is anyway?

So not a long thing but actually a very short thing. In fact, most PVs usually only take footage from the first, maybe second episode anyway. In part because thats all the have animated yet, heh.

Pretty sure all of Harvest Festa takes place in those different world lines, yeah. So Harvest festa is still a prequel to moon.

Might be some exception to that, but for the most part that should be true.

That’s the obvious conclusion. They spend like 3-5 minutes on setting up Moon by using those clips. I mean he already explains it in the video that he sees memories from different lives as dreams.

I always thought that a whole season to moon and terra were too much (considering the blaze speed of season one), but I honestly didn’t expect that Harvest content there.

Then they are going to show the ends for the heroines routes without development? What the hell

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