Rewrite 2nd Season Promotional Art & CM

With Rewrite 2nd Season only a month away, VisualArt's has started rolling out the promotions! A new promotional art featured above depicts the cast in the events of the Moon arc, which is expected to span the first half of the 2nd Season, with the Terra arc comprising the latter

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That promotional poster looks awesome, but dangit, feecoff, you ruined the CM!

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Actually this was originally from the VN but I do get your point because of the anime going on with the jokes Lol xD


Yeah this was the only instance of coffee in the original Rewrite, before it was a meme.


Moon spoilers Three cups of coffee is the true key to a girl’s heart!


I’m actually looking forward to it. I really do like that poster very much. I just hope they are able to adapt Moon and Terra routes. But I have to agree about the feecof too. So it looks like it’ll take place during those events. Anyway, it will definitely be on my winter season list next year.

I’ll keep my expectations low so I’ll try to be realistic as much as possible.

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I really like the poster, though Kagari’s expression is… funny. Well at least I got a lame meme edit out of it. (I’m so sorry about this. And for those who want explanations, most of the text are aptly resigned expressions. It was a local meme.)

I get the impression that the 2nd season will do the daring choice of animating the second half of Moon with the girls in their uniforms. If that’s the case, then good luck on that 8bit hahahaha.

Edit: I’m quite fine about the CM. It doesn’t really boast of animation highlights, but it looks nice. The atmosphere is gorgeous though.