REMINDER: We have a category for user-submitted news!

If I could have a moment of everyone’s time, I’d like to remind you that we have an entire category dedicated to member-submitted news posts. I personally manage the blog all myself, and to be honest there’s a lot of news that goes under my radar, and some of the time (like now) I simply don’t have the time to write all the articles I want to. I want to be a hub of Key news from different sources, edited for the English reader. But I can’t do it all myself! I need people like you to help source the news for me, because I’m only one person who has no knowledge of the Japanese language, and finds it difficult to navigate the labyrinth of Japanese news sites.

Posting in the news category doesn’t necessarily hold you to the standards of a blogger. You’re not expected to write a full article or anything, just a simple news tip linking to some Japanese webpage can help us a lot, especially if it’s something big enough to write a full article on the blog for!

However, if you DO go through the effort to write a full news article, and I like what I see, I’ll happily adapt it into a post on the blog, crediting you as the author. Does that sound fun, getting some recognition on the front page?

By all means, you’re not obligated to do anything with this. But I just felt like the news category is being criminally ignored, and I’d love if the community could source more news for itself, as ultimately I have more content to put on the blog!

Namely, here’s a couple of things I’ve been wanting to write articles on but haven’t had the time over the past few days. If anyone wants to pick them up, I’d be super grateful:

Kitazawa Ayaka’s First Live Event: “happy autumn day” announced!
Toyoizumi (@KudoKou_now) Yoshikuni’s blog about his experience at Japan Expo 2014

Again, no obligations, but I’ll love you forever if you do decide to submit news to the forum. Thanks guys!

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I guess I could probably put it any live coverage I may be able to do under this category, then :smiley:

Not a Japanese link, and this is not exactly news related to Key (rather Sekai Project), but these are some VN translation statuses. Seems like 4chan has its benefits news-wise, but I swore that I would never touch 4chan, oh well.

Visual novel translation status as of 09/07/14:

If this category is solely dedicated to Key related news, I’ll take note for the future.