Recording of Maeda's New Original Album Has Commenced!

You may or may not be surprised to hear many a Jun Maeda fan express their opinion that his greatest works are found in his musical writing: Production, compositions and lyrics. Having worked on two very deep concept albums, Love Song (2005) and Owari no Hoshi no Love Song (2012)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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I better get a special edition vinyl of this.


+1 would buy maeda vinyls

This us a definitely interesting project he has up his sleeve and Iā€™m expecting, as always, a meaningful story behind the songs of this upcoming album :smiley:
Soā€¦ Any guesses on this ā€œperfectā€ vocalist?

Aoi Ta-- //kickā€™d (I love you though)

Looking forward to hear this :slight_smile:

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I ballparked Anri Kumaki but it could be anyone.

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I hope this album will just be simple songs about things like life and emotions and all that. I am a fan of the second album where Yanagi Nagi collaborated with Jun Maeda, but I definitely prefer for Maeda to write an album with songs that donā€™t tell a story (especially if no ones gonna adapt them sadly). His writing for these simple songs are quite better.

I donā€™t think itā€™s Lia, nor Aoi Tada. I feel like their voices are more suitable for noteworthy OP/ED/Insert Songs.

I hope itā€™s not Anri if heā€™s planning to do many Hard instrumental songs. Its already been shown with End of the World that Anriā€™s voice is too soft for those type of songs (and Jun Maeda loves making those type of songs). But Iā€™d definitely want her if heā€™s making many mellow songs, because her voice excels there. I mean, Kimi No Moji and the song that she did alongside End Of The World is quite beautiful with her voice.

I am 95% certain that itā€™s Anri Kumaki though. When he was making Love Song 2, he worked with Yanagi Nagi. He only knew of Yanagi Nagi through working on Rewrite. So we can assume that the singer of the album will most likely be someone affiliated with Key. 2% of my suspicion is on Runa, and 3% is on the girl who sung Towa No Hoshi E or the Angel Beats! 1st Beat ED.

plot twist its a male singer


inb4 Midorikawa


Can you feel the love tonight? :sunohii:


Another plot twist.
There would be 2 singers: male and female.

And, well, I know this is just speculating, but I would love to hear Mizutani Runa at vocals.
Aoi Tada is also up there on the list I wish was designated as a singer for this.

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Plot twist Takahiro Baba debut


Itā€™s pronounced ā€˜can you feer za rab tonaiā€™


Is that going to be the official cover art? it looks like something drawn by Yoshitoshi Abe.

Thatā€™s art from the first Love Song. We donā€™t have anything on the new one.