RADIO(21) - Unofficial Kaza Community Podcast!

RADIO(21) is a new podcast, which is a small gathering of Kaza members talking about whatever’s going on in the week and random nonsense. The pilot episode is up on the SoundCloud page and it’s kinda rough but it’s a good start!

The fun part is that we want to rotate out members so we get a lot of our big Kaza family hanging out and chatting about lots of fun stuff. If you’ve got access to the Guild section of the website and are in the Skype group, we’ll put out an open call or direct message certain people asking if they want to be on!

If you want something to listen to that’s not 100% Key, but still want to hear your friends on Kaza having fun, then check out RADIO(21)!

iTunes: Soon? Hopefully? =o


Loli Loli Hunters podcast slowly becoming a reality, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you think to ask anyone before using the name?

I’ve listened to a bit of the podcast, and I guess my only opinions regarding this is that it’s a bit of a stretch to call it a Kaza Community podcast. Like, I get the point, that a bunch of you guys started talking about stuff kaza-related, and there’s a fun, easygoing vibe to it.

However, I feel that it’s a bit of a stretch to call it a “community” podcast since, well, there wasn’t any input from the community as a whole. The Kaza community is more than just the chatroom, and it might not be exactly a good representation of the community.

What I’m trying to say is that it would’ve been more proper to actually talk about it with the rest of the community beforehand so that everyone would be free to say what they would like to see in it, thus making it a better representation of the “ Community”.

However, at the moment, it feels more like just the “Rabla, Kanon, Bonecuss and Nin from” podcast.

The problem is not calling it an Unofficial Kaza Community Podcast. Although I dont understand why its not just LoliLoli Hunters feat. Kaza memeber, they shouldnt have to get the entire community’s permission to make something for the community.

The problem is the twitter account. That makes it sound like its something from the entire community, and says nothing about being UNOFFICIAL.

Really you guys should probably just take the Kaza name out of it and just call it the LoliLoli Hunters Podcast, and mention that you’re from Kaza.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m in.

kaza confirmed to not like fun

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I actually like this, well I am in for all sort of random stuff so you can count me in.
If there is a problem of the podcast being Kaza named then you can just rename it and call it something like “21Random ft. Kaza members series” or … something like that.
Im not really good at these but I am sure Rabla and others didnt want to cause any trouble.
Anyways it might go well into discussing random nonsense and also maybe some fun that has been goin on kaza - like if a new meme passed by and what are the thoughts or something like that lmao idk.
Just wanted to say that the podcast doesnt have to be random but it can be also “randomly specified”… if that makes any sense to you… Just saying my ideas yo, no haterino plz.

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It wasn’t random man it had a clearly defined Castlevania theme, like, at least the third line explictly mentions Order of Ecclesia by name and Dracula is RIGHT THERE in the picture.