Planetarian English Edition Physical Release Announced!

This is surprising news! Amid the announcements of Key's event rush, they have stealthily announced that a physical release of planetarian English Edition would be made available for purchase at the upcoming Otaku Summit Comiket Special event at Makuhari Messe, Chiba. As you can see, it's looking very nice! We've yet to confirm how much it will cost, but it is very likely that they will be made available elsewhere in the future. Personally, I'm expecting to see Key selling copies at their other international appearances in the coming months, including Chara Expo in Singapore, Japan Expo Paris and Anime Expo in Los Angeles. Keep your eyes and wallets open, as your collection of Key games won't be complete without this addition!


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ohhhh myy goddd i am definitely going to get this when i can

It’s the English version sells in Japan first ironically. -0-
Nevertheless, it’s pretty box.

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Of course this is announced just two weeks after I ordered myself a Japanese hard copy because the English releases were both digital. :confused:

That’s good news for everyone who wanted this, though.

Of course, the theme of otaku summit is to make it for otaku around the world XD But I am hoping this is just a “dry run” of when they plan to sell it overseas

Yeah, hope so.

This could be a big break for planetarian speedrunning with the version differences between the physical and digital release. I’ve heard from some Japanese runners that it may be possible to shave a second off of the (planetarian spoilers) Fiddler Crab battle using a strat that was TAS only for the digital version. If that works out we may finally be able to get the coveted sub-30 in planetarian any%. Only time will tell, though.

Real talk I absolutely need this. If there’s Key game I’d really care to own a hard copy of, it’d be planetarian. Also the box looks sweet. Anyone know roughly what constellations those are or are modeled off of?


The Visual Arts USA Facebook page posted this poll


The full picture of Yumemi with the constellations has from left behind around to right behind. I believe it goes.

Virgo (as a maiden), Cancer (cut off in the box art, as a crab), Aries (as a ram), Libra (as scales),
Capricorn (as a unicorn), Orion (as a warrior or lore wise a hunter), I couldn’t quite determine this bird shaped one as Grus, Cygnus or Aquila and lastly Sagittarius (as a centaur archer).

According to star points I confirm Cancer, Orion and Libra but the others are possibly missing points in the picture for simplicity. A complete version of these constellations with Yumemi can be seen Here

At least that’s what I could determine from research.


Is there anywhere you can buy this these days?

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Doesn’t seem like it; not even ebay nor yahoo auctions have it

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