Operation Countdown on Angel Beats' official website

can confirm

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When the counter hits zero and its in a not-Japan timezone…

you get a whole new countdown… for a whole 'nother 24 hours…

:angry: There was this small part of me that thought, just maybe, I might actually see what’s on the other side of the countdown… :pensive:

EDIT: I guess it was just the countdown for the countdown :wink:

Gotta wait for the real countdown to end, haha.

Welp, that’s super troll, I was watching the last minute tick down and all I got was a new timer .___. sadness

Actually it’s 15-mm-dd in Japan but whatever :v

Anyways I think Biz’s theory might be the most correct one? A full site relaunch to join together the anime, manga, novels and VN seems pretty likely at this point in time

(and release date of VN will still be TBA tehehe)

I got a new timer too u.u
Damn time zones.

Y’all kill me.

That would be awesome though.

Anyways y’all suck at timezones lol. I -should- end legit in 3.5 hours.

I start work in 3 hours, so enjoy. I appoint @Aspirety as hype train conductor until I return.
inb4 this was just a test and nothing actually does happen lolol

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I have come in response to your summons. Let the hype train roll!


At school keeping up with the news… Too much pressure (if this ends up being just a troll I am gonna be so pissed…)

Aniplex and Key working on something? Since I can’t read Japanese I don’t know what it’s saying :\

Okay guys so they basically announced a “New Project” that we barely have any details about. No need to bother watching the video since it’s just 15 seconds and says the same stuff as the website.

Anyways, event is happening on December 22 and they’ll announce the details “somewhere in tokyo” and you can join a raffle for the chance of watching the announcement live.

I just sent my application so I hope I get it!