Nintendo Switch

Ah yes, one of those came out for the Wii. And the Wii U. And the Gamecube.

Truly, an intelligent move.

Thatā€™s very selective. The DS and 3DS have had new versions, and a new version did come out for the Wii.

The Wii U likely didnā€™t get re-releases because the original console wasnā€™t selling. The same could be said for the Gamecube, but I think itā€™s unlikely they re-released the Gamecube even if it did sell well.

The first version of a console that comes out almost always has a much higher failure rate than newer iterations and models. If you donā€™t plan to play the newest games right away or just prefer to wait until there are multiple games you are interested in then you might as well wait and see how the first model fares and if there are reviews about parts/upgrades.

I remember checking which model number I was getting for the 360 (RRoD problems) because it was a big deal then, and with Nintendo products thatā€™s very important if you buy a lot of digital products too. Itā€™s all about choice but itā€™s nice to let others be the guinea pigs for you too. :slight_smile:

Will be getting my Switch soon, so hyped right now! Got so many games on my mind that i wanna play.
P.s. Just sharing the emotions iā€™ve got right now :smiley:


What games are you planning to get? I can highly recommend Splatoon 2!

It would be nice to find some people to play Splatoon 2 with! :flustered:
My friend code is SW-8455-3557-5302 :blue_heart:

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I saw this news a few days ago, but it seems theyā€™ll be releasing a fairly big-name VN on the switch:
(original JP news: )

If this means more VNs for switch (whether translated or not) then sign me up!