If that’s the case, Haruka’s route in Little Busters felt more like this to me than a nakige.
[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:9, topic:1006”]
For example, would you consider AIR had a happy or sad ending?
[/quote]AIR’s ending felt pretty ambiguous, and left many things to interpretation, so it’s very difficult to tell if it is happy or sad.
[quote=“EndOfRefrain, post:11, topic:1006”]
Are you telling me, that you didnt cry in Rewrite?
[/quote]Not speaking against Rewrite in particular, but I’ve never legitimately cried while reading any Key game. I doubt Rewrite is going to make me shed any tear, but I’ll still read it anyways, because that’s not why I read nakige in the first place.
[quote=“Takafumi, post:13, topic:1006”]
We start transforming Nakige from a term to an opinion. I could argue that AIR isn’t a Nakige because it didn’t make me cry at all, but we all know that it is one. We could start saying that only specific routes are Nakige.What matters is intention.
[/quote]AIR was the game that was closest to making me shed tears, so I can see how nakige can be determined by opinion rather than a term. Perhaps it was because I was intent on finding a reason to cry, but the intention was there.
[quote=“Hirato, post:17, topic:1006”]
Ok, there were sad moments and they were definitely made to make us cry, but somehow I just couldn’t cry reading them. Most of the time they only made me frown in depression.
[/quote]You’ve pretty much nailed my reaction to every ending of every Key game I’ve read.
[quote=“Nocturne, post:18, topic:1006”]
Similar to how people react when someone tells you “Watch/read this, it will make you cry”, I don’t find that too alluring, not exactly the first thing most people think of when wanting to enjoy themselves.
[/quote]I suppose that’s what makes it difficult to recommend nakige. People don’t want to cry, they want to be happy. But if you tried to falsely advertise CLANNAD based off its humor, people would hate you when they get to the drama parts. It’s hard to get my siblings back into nakige because they did not like how CLANNAD made them cry. I’m actually pretty worried about the prospect of getting my mother into nakige, because she’s not very well-informed on how anime works.
In short, it kind of sucks to feel like the only person in the States who likes niche products like nakige. (I know it’s not the truth, but still… )