Little Busters! - Refrain Arc Discussion

Alright so I just saw this thing (and apparently I am late to the party) called Bokura no Asa which is a drama CD that takes place after Refrain, during their field trip.

Video here: (find part 2 and 3 in the rest of the uploader’s videos)
Original TL here:

And that sort of clears up the doubt I had as to what the true ending actually is. Just “sort of” :stuck_out_tongue:


Saya route spoilers: There could be some argument for the real world theory because of the fact that you learn that the world can transcend time and be entered at any point. You could say they were pulled into the world the same way they entered, by being near-death (although this could be argued).
Sasami route spoilers: But then if you’re going purely by the VN’s magic you can look at the Kyousuke calling Riki scene and that fucks with everything so everything is game. This is if you don’t heavily speculate on what the hell is going on (I haven’t even bothered it’s so odd so much so that it’s missing from the anime which was a smart move).

New headcanon.

Or we could just say that they didn’t leave the dream world, because they still had regrets fueling the world’s existence.

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Yeah I like that explanation the most.

Sorry for bumping old thread, but I really am wondering about the world mechanism in LB!

In my opinion, the world was created by the main casts, while the other (like Suginami etc) is just a reflection of how the main casts see them. In Refrain, I think Kyousuke mentioned about ripples one after another to create a bigger one. I feel that it’s the girls feelings, trying to create a fake world for Riki and Rin.
I just can’t help to think that the girls, in their dying state, realized that they have yet accomplished anything or still having a regret on their own. Then Kyousuke kind of made an offer to them, and they probably think “At least I can do something for the two survivors.” or if in more selfish way, “I want to leave no regret.”
Also, I think the order of the people reaching out to Kyousuke’s offer is the same as the order on how they end up joining Little Busters. (That being Komari > Yuiko > Haruka > Kudryavka > Mio)
Or maybe Kyousuke didn’t make offer at all. They just came to help on their own.

Now I don’t know about the others, especially Sasami and Kanata. If they have no consciousness inside the artificial world, then after Refrain: Sasami will not be in good terms with LB members (not like she’s that close to them though) and Kanata still hadn’t resolved the matter with their family. Honestly I wished the anime at least have the scene where Kanata waiting for Haruka to wake up beside her bed with a worried face

And about Miyuki, what if she is the real Koshiki Miyuki, not just an artificial being? I mean, if it was a ghost story, she’s like a haunting ghost with regrets left. What if ghost Miyuki entered the artificial world on her own and do her part? Kengo said that he wants to stay in the artificial world because he think Riki and Rin can’t handle the reality, but what if he’s actually just being selfish wanting to delude himself in his successful heroic act of saving Miyuki?

That turned out… pretty long and full of speculation of my own. Sorry if it’s kind of OOT in the latter part.

Bumping old threads is A-Okay over here at Kazamatsuri :wink:

I think everyone agrees on that bit about the ripples being the feelings of other girls. But I think the harder to thing to gauge is really where the personalities of the other girls come from.

If the others are indeed reflections, then my biggest question is how did they know so much about those characters (ergo, suginami liking riki, her group being mean to kurugay, etc). Or maybe I am really just underestimating the knowledge of Kyousuke and co. haha

Kyousuke is a popular guy who seems to know everything, so maybe he just somehow knows.
(Now imagining Kyousuke future job as information broker)

Or the other characters were just made up by how our heroines view them (e.g. Kurugaya was already harassed before and she probably knew who they were; Kud’s anxiety made her classmates mock her Engrish - but later they turned out to be really nice people, probably because the other heroines negate her opinion about their classmates being mean etc)

The question is… Was Suginami really in love with Riki?

That is the biggest question we have now. I think it was in the Suginami discussion topic where I brought that matter up? I believe it was either that she was used as a scapegoat to push Riki to getting together with Rin (because having someone confess to him will make him realize who he really likes), or she actually did and Kyousuke knew it because he knows everything.

but hey, in the unofficial, no-idea-when-to-be-released unofficial Suginami route, she might just be one of the people contributing to the ripples :v

Almost certainly. But now you’ve got me thinking of some kind of plot where Suginami’s feelings for Riki are indeed artificial, and once she realises that she never used to love Riki in the real world, she has to confront that contradiction. Hmmm~

Now THIS sounds like a good idea for that Koshiki route… Her ghost enters the artificial world and finds Kengo again.


Kyousuke says there are 11 people. Riki, Rin, Masato, Kengo, Kyousuke, Komari, Kud, Haruka, Mio, Yuiko, and one unknown. The remaining one is probably Kanata. Sasami’s ruins everything we know about the mechanics of the world, so I’m just gonna say that’s not canon.

But Miyuki’s appearance in Refrain is an occurrence controlled by Kyousuke. Even if she was a ghost, all things considered, she is just the same as all the other artificial life.

The first thing may or may not be true in the real world. Maybe Kyousuke noticed her looking at Riki, or maybe he just needed someone to play a part in the fake world. The second thing is common knowledge by that point. A group of bullies renowned for their previous attacks on people (one of those people being Yuiko.)

Um, I don’t really know about Miyuki being controlled. This is all just in my head but I think perhaps Miyuki purposely went to distract Kengo in the baseball game. Or maybe Kyousuke told her his plan and whether Miyuki gonna show up or not, he probably still had more cheap tricks in his sleeves. Why would she show up? Maybe she just wanted Kengo to move on from the artificial world, and that’s her final regret. Then, the 11th person is probably Miyuki

Anyway, where’s this 11 people came from? Did I miss something or I just forgot things? What about Saya?

Though I think Kanata as the 11th is possible too. I heard that if one of a twin get sick, then the other will too. (Dunno if it’s true science or just popular myth). So probably because of her bond with Haruka, she ended up having consciousness inside that world too.

It’s not Kanata.
She would not have been on that bus, by that rule it’s also not Sasami because the bus was occupied by the same class + 1 Haruka and 1 Kyousuke stow away because they’re Haruka and Kyousuke, both have their reason for being on that bus instead of where they should have been.

I don’t know where you’re getting this 11 people from.

(Saya spoilers) The whole point of her route is that she’s not on the bus.

I don’t know where you guys are getting 11 people from too.
Suginami is in the same class as them so could’ve been dragged in unknowingly (There’s a cool shot in the anime actually where she’s sitting next to one of the Little Busters). You could debate this but it could be plot used in the fan-route.

Isn’t it completely certain that she was on the bus and entered the world? In her route (and in Haruka’s) she has huge amounts of involvement it’d be very weird if she wasn’t actually real. I don’t know what reasoning she’d have to be there, could be a perfectly valid one like just because she’s the leader of the discipline committee (And “wanted to keep Haruka in check”). My understanding is a little uncertain but (Kanata spoilers) Doesn’t she announce that she’s being made to get married in the summer (with the date after the crash) in the dream world and then everyone remembers and rescues her after refrain?
Nevermind I forgot (Kanata spoilers)That scene where Kanata is by Haruka in the hospital.

Her route is after Refrain (This isn’t spoilers) so I don’t think she needed to be on the bus for the story to make sense anyway. The only pre-refrain parts of her route is just the common route choices that lead to getting extra scenes with Sasami (the scenes that are in the vanilla game), so I think it’s simply that in one of the loops he has some positive experiences and sees the good side of Sasami and that carries over to the real world.

Someone from here mentioned it before during the same discussion. I’m betting my argument on them not just making up a random number

That was an amazing and hilarious Epilogue, thanks for sharing it! ^^
I personally also believe the happy ending is canon, especially since you have post-refrain material such as Kud Wafter, that cannot logically happen in the closed world or in one where Kud is dead.

I think the consensus is that Kud Wafter isn’t canonical to Little Busters, so that point is mute :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh? Why not? Isn’t it just a post-Refrain story where Riki went with Kud?

In that case, it’d be up to the readers whether it’s canon or not, depending on who you see Riki ending up with.
And that can variate a lot. Theres Riki + Rin, Riki + Kuruyaga, etc.

Not to mention the fact that some people considers the happy ending to be a Dream and not in the real world to begin with.
So does canonicity even properly apply here?

Isn’t Kud Wafter set in the fake world? I always assumed it was…

As far as I know, there are three possible “true” endings.

  1. They die in the crash
  2. Riki and Rin create a dream world and stay in it
  3. They go on the field trip. It’s hard to tell if this is reality or not due to Riki’s obsession with dreams…

It can be inferred that after the third, autumn arrives and Riki remembers his promise with Yuiko. The Sasami route also happens sometime after that.

I think the reason is that Kud Wafter seems so confusing is that they split it into two stories. Both are similar but tells the story in a different manner. In addition, the story mixes Refrain and EX-only events so these’s going to be continuity issues (I’m pretty sure only Maeda knows what’s really going on in the LB universe) Just think of the game as an official fan fiction, if you try to read it like you do LBEX it’s not going to work. Besides I think @Takafumi got it right

This just nails it

Quoted from Wikipedia:

Kud Wafter begins at the onset of the summer vacation after the events of the peaceful field trip from Little Busters!.

So the bus accident never happens.