Let’s talk about Cats!
Sometimes, something about the cats in LB is strange, but we’re usually too busy with the story to notice. Admittedly, most of the stuff I’m going to talk about happens in Rin2, but also requires Refrain knowledge of the world.
Kyousuke brings cats as presents for Rin when he returns from his trips. The latest addition to the gang in school, Lennon, is a part of Kyousuke - and the one bringing his mysterious missions to Rin. But what about the other cats?
The first time I’ve noticed strange behavior was when Riki tried following Lennon to find the mastermind behind his missions in Rin2. The one who brought him to Kyousuke wasn’t Lennon, though - one of the other cats has deliberately led Riki around the school grounds for a while, as though beckoning him to follow, before finally arriving at the place Lennon’s been waiting at. Lennon “thanked” the cat by licking its head. So, does Kyousuke indirectly control the other cats through Lennon’s actions? Or does he have a more direct method thanks to his position in the world?
Next, when Riki and Rin make a run for it, the cats follow them up to the gate, but none of them cross it, as if they know what their owner is up to. And not only that. Riki, while ignorant of the secret of the world, is wary of those cats. Though it sounds ridiculous, he thinks Kyousuke could somehow be keeping tabs of them if they take any of the cats along. Well, maybe it doesn’t sound too ridiculous considering the behavior of that one cat just a week prior. As we know, though, his guess was actually spot-on.
After running away, Riki and Rin find themselves a bunch of new cats like Guts, Irfan, Akutagawa, Shumacher, etc. Pay attention now.
- Schumacher - was seen sleeping with Rin at least once
- Akutagawa - makes quick, delicate meows
- Irfan, the first cat Rin had caught. Manly, perfect, has a massive body.
- Guts was caught by Riki. He’s ugly and rough, has a deep, raspy voice. He seems to have gotten attached to Riki, because that’s whose futon he was sleeping in from then on - and he refused to leave it!
So, don’t the last two seem awfully similar to Masato and Kengo? Especially Guts and his strange attachment to Riki. The counterargument to that would be that Riki has never specifically mentioned Guts and Irfan fighting. But let’s think of it this way: Kyousuke must have been somehow observing Riki and Rin. There’s no way he wasn’t - those two are the reason the world was created. He could have been watching them through cats or maybe some other way. We’ve never been told what other stuff he can do. (Also, I have originally assumed that Kyousuke was the one who made the police move in, but now I suspect an alternative possibility.) So, could the other dreamers have been doing the same for the same reason? Could Schumacher have been Komari? Or rather than stand-ins, could those cats simply have been created by the world itself while borrowing some characteristics of the dreamers?
Lastly, Refrain. Now Lennon is the only cat left in the world. Could the drop be related to the departure of other dreamers? It’s not exactly proportional, and we’ve never been told about a decreasing number of cats after the completion of other girls’ routes.
According to Riki’s “memory”, Rin used to have more cats than just Lennon, “But they had left one by one, as if fleeing from the Rin who had changed so much.”
Why that specific wording? To keep the setting consistent after a faulty reset?
Here’s the line by Kyousuke that I mentioned on the podcast

Well, we obviously barely get any worthwhile info on the cat mysteries, but what do you guys think?