Little Busters: Japanese Batting Practice & Battle Ranking Guides

Here’s a bunch of resources from the Little Busters Perfect Visual Book that we, honestly can’t be bothered to translate :yahaha:

The first three pages are Batting Practice stuff.
1-1: Controls
2-1: How stats influence the Baseball game
2-2: Stat growth distribution chart
2-3: How to get stat bonuses from Batting Practice
2-4: Describes what characters are doing what in Batting Practice on which day (but it doesn’t seem to list Mio and Kengo for some reason??)
3-1: Lists Rin’s special pitches.
3-2: “If you hang onto Masato’s fitness equipment, your stats may rise more!”
4-1: Advice for Baseball Game setup.

Below is the list of weapons.
Column 1: Weapon Name
Column 2: Whether or not character stats affect the weapon.
Column 3: Weapon Parameters
Column 4: Weapon Type

Below is a list of all the accessories you can get.

Column 1: Accessory Name
Column 2: Consumable/Equippable
Column 3: Effect
Column 4: HP
Column 5: Arm Strength
Column 6: Body Strength
Column 7: Agility
Column 8: Reflex
Column 9: Concentration
Column 10: Judgement
Column 11: Luck

If anyone wants to have a go at translating any of these, feel free~


[If you won read A. If you lost read B]

A: Profit?
B: Rewind the game
C: …
D: Profit?

Note if you happen to fight an unknown lifeform: Get Rekt! Bear does not give a single fuck about you or your time manipulating powers.


I do believe there is a translation for the items and what stats they help. I’m not sure if it’s complete though.

Okay after reading other random parts of the guide I got a better understand of what the stats refer to.

Arm Strength: Affects block chance and attack power of certain weapons
Body Strength: Affects block chance and defense when the enemy uses a weapon that is affected by arm strength.
Agility: Dodge chance
Reflex: Affects dodge chance, accuracy and chance of countering
Concentration: Affects block chance, accuracy and critical hit ratio
Judgement: Affects “various things”
Luck: Affects critical hit ratio, counter chance and “various things”

I got really thrown off cuz I didn’t realize blocking and evading where different things. (Why the fuck are they different things?)

Still, nothing beats the power of time travel.


Does it say how stats are modified when there are no weapons? If not maybe I’ll try to test that…

Not at all? I think weapons just modify the damage you deal.

But I mean how is damage calculated? It’s not like attacker arm strength - defender body strength or anything.

Not a clue

I’ll try to test that later then