Little Busters English Edition Features Detailed! Could this be the definitive release?

Will it include esctasy thouh? I’m totally asking this because of the routes and not the H-Scenes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Perfect Edition has the routes but not the H-Scenes I believe. I’m pretty they said we are getting the 3 extra routes but since it’s a Steam release there won’t be H-Scenes.

In the end there are plans for a patch that add the H-scenes? I’m curious about it :yahaha:

I am really super excited to hear about this!
I was worried that Little Busters’s English wouldn’t be getting the same amount of TLC as Clannad did, but here it looks like they are going above and beyond!
Probably unrelated to this particular new, but is there any word of a physical release? I’d love to not only have the definitive version of my favorite visual novel of all time, but to also to be able to hold it in my hands… it would make me so happy!
As for H scenes (I know removed for Perfect Edition) wouldn’t the likelihood of them being available in a patch be low, considering that the official English release of Tomoyo After had no such patch (that I’m aware of)?

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I don’t think they’ll ever do an official one, it’d have to be fanmade, sooo maybe… one day… someone will be that masochistic.


I bet Helios has trained enough to withstand reading through those (again?) and make a patch :stuck_out_tongue:

May not be that simple if it’s not RealLive.

It will be for sure, but it might be a version that RLDev doesn’t work with (I think RealLiveMax if you were insinuating that). It might work out somehow.

I’ve tried RLDev on Clannad, Clannad Side Stories and Tomoyo After’s Steam version and it works. The only older Key title that’s running on RLMax (which RLDev doesn’t support) is Planetarian. Other than Planetarian, other Key titles (excluding Harmonia) are running on a modified Reallive engine for West audiences. So, it’s possible to mod the Steam releases of Clannad, Clannad Side Stories and Tomoyo After ^^

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It’s ‘just’ an announcement, it’s a little thing, but it already makes us so happy. And that’s amazing.

I’m overjoyed to know that the official english release is getting a treatment that’s befitting of this godlike game.