League of Legends General Topic

Actually, now that you mentioned Team rankeds… I just remembered I made a new team called … “falling midgets” (idk about that name just something random came up in my mind…) and we were in a placing matches.
Well we won all 5 placement matches and got us to Gold IV i think? which is pretty nice. Still I dont have the team ranked rewards for the triumpahnt skin ward, which I want really badly.
Im a skin hunter, icon hunter, and ward hunter :D. I like to collect all of these.
For example I knew that Project: YASUO is coming out soon, so I bought RP during Saga Rush just to get some extra RP right? And bought the skin today ;p. Finally an awesome skin for yasuo.
Mentioning Yasuo, about the Gold V smurf I have. I played only yasuo on that account and made it from Silver V to gold V in 2 days lol.

Are you watching the LCS?

I am, but not now. I love watching it, sometimes it made me realise some things. I assume you play LoL too if you know LCS. If yes then my fav teams are C9 and TSM :3.
Also if you play it, what division are you and what teams you like the most?

I love watching it too~ The NA games are really really good right now. TSM vs LMQ was amazing to watch.

I’m a TSM person. I’m a long time Dyrus fan!

I used to play LoL a bit, but I took a year-long break. Now I’m stuck trying to learn last-hitting in bot games again ^^; A lot of my favorite champions have been changed, so it’s confusing!


I feel you :). Im a long time Dyrus fan too! I always watched his vlogs, streams everythig when I started, now im watching other streamers.
Hope you will get better soon :3! Good luck!
I am thinking of making a LoL break because im graduating this year, but since Im in Diamond 3 I feel like playing some more to hit the top of the leagues xD even tho I get trolled often.
Anyways you excited for the worlds? I cant wait to see who is going to be the finals in the worlds in Korea :D.

Dyrus vlogs are great. I liked that gamecrib thing too! Dyrus saying bye to Chaox T_T

Worlds will be exciting! My favorite team outside of NA didn’t get anywhere near worlds though…

Same~ Bot games, normals, and ARAM fun~ I have found some nice people though. The most memorable was when I (as Teemo. Sorry) and someone playing as Leona had an amazing time snowballing the botlane. It’s now my favorite champion to have on my team.

I don’t like livestreams, but the League Youtube community is amazing. I actually found out about the game via Shurelily (RIP) and the cypher thing that happened later introduced me to the LCS.
Right now I mainly watch foxdrop (analyses bronze games and does Jungle guides), Solwolf (has a series named ‘Breaking the Meta’) and Redmercy (shows off champions before they are released. Did some good PBE gameplay of Gnar and Azir recently.)


seems like a lot of new people to the site play LoL… might be about time that I bust out that MOBA event pretty soon…

side note though, are you guys looking forward to Azir? if they keep him close to how he is right now he might become my new main; I’m really excited for his release

Dude can solo Baron as soon as it spawns. Sounds like that could open up some funny plays.

I think he looks really interesting though. Having to focus on defending your champion, while attacking with distant statues.

I don’t think he can actually… Baron regenerates pretty quickly if no one is in the pit with him. he used to be able to attack turrets while out of their range, but they took that out really quickly.

Sounded weird, so I checked for some videos, but sure enough, there’s one where he did it o.O
Well, it can still be kinda fake but I’m sure as heck that Riot doesn’t want that kinda stuff to happen.

Here’s a bot game, showing Baron dead at around 15:30. Baron spawns at 15 minutes~

Judging by how quickly he was thrown out after Gnar, and how many bugs he has both gameplay-wise and animation-wise, he is probably pretty early on in development. Maybe they were testing the public reaction to such a different champ before investing in him 100%

I can’t tell if this is on the new summoners rift or not, but if it was then its more than likely due to the fact that Baron and Dragon don’t work properly yet on the new map and don’t always attack players. if its on the current map, then I dont even know anymore… I do remember them saying that theyre putting him on the PBE at an earlier stage of development than most champions though

Didn’t they disable the new rift due to how buggy it was? I don’t have PBE access so I’m not sure…

its no longer in matchmaking, but you can select it as one of the maps for custom games

Seems like azir got some really good attention ;d. I for example am looking forward azir, I dont have PBE access but am looking forward learning his mechanics and such. It can be interesting because he seems hard to play.

Provided we’ll be playing LoL, which server will you choose? We’re definitely not all in the same region. I’m playing on EUW, and even though I have an NA account, the lagg I get on that server makes it really hard to play anything else than a marksmann (against intermediate bots).

HOLY! People still use the rpgmaker? I know I’ve been playing around with that program, but that was almost a decade ago! Wow, that brings back memories…

Im mostly playing on EUNE, my main and smurfs are there. But I also have accounts on EUW too, not that much high levels but i can play yeah why not.

Yep mate, and it still rulez and is really awesome if you are into that ;d. Tho Last Scenario was made in 2008 i think.

well in an ideal scenario, we will not be playing LoL because the idea behind the events is to get people into new things. that said, if almost everyone that’s interested wants to play LoL then that’s what we’ll be playing. if that happens we’ll most likely be on the server that has the most of our players already on it, or a server that no one is on (forcing everyone to make a new account). that said, I wouldn’t plan to have people play anything more than bots or customs anyways, so lag shouldn’t cause any serious problems.

If there would be enough people, why not just have fun in custom game 5v5, like a Kazamatsuri showdown or something like that :).
I understadn the fact a lot of people woudl have to create a new account, but those that are on the same server would prolly join the party I guess.

there are some really core problems with that idea… while I would love to have a 5v5 custom game with just people from these forums, everyone on here will be on a completely different level; I’m pretty sure that Takafumi said he mostly plays bot games, and I wouldn’t doubt it if there were a few other platinum/diamond ranked people here. not to mention there would be a lot of new people too. considering all that, I think bot games are the way to go, even if it is less fun for some of the more serious players.

side note: if there really are that many people, maybe we can take some of the more experienced people into a custom game or matchmaking if people are up to it, but that would entirely depend on who is willing to do so and would only come after most of the newer players have left.

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