Kud Wafter Giveaway Mission Start!

With only one week left until the end of the Kud Wafter International Crowdfund, the organizers have announced a new mission: the Kud Wafter Giveaway mission! Kyousuke, Masato, and Kengo introduce this mission in the video above, and the goal is simple: spread the word and help the Kud Wafter crowdfunding reach it’s final stretch goal of 15 million yen. Reaching this stretch goal would bump the length of the Kud Wafter OVA to a total of 60 minutes, giving, as Kyousuke says, a chance for supporting characters like them to get more screen time! More details can be found on the crowdfunding news update but the mechanics are simple: post a tweet including the hashtag #kudwafmission and the link to the crowdunding (https://otakumode.com/fb/8F0) on twitter. 10 lucky winners will be selected and rewarded with a limited edition Little Busters! 10th anniversary can badge set! If you’re interested in joining, make sure that your account isn’t protected, and that you can receive DMs from @TokyoOtakuMode (either by following them or allowing DMs from anybody). And with that, we wish the best of luck to all the participants. Mission Start!!!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://kazamatsuri.org/kud-wafter-giveaway-mission-start/

Give me the more Kyousuke!!! Give him his own OVA, damn it lol. This looks like fun :slight_smile: