Key Games Translation Status Updates

Shizuru route finished


Indeed. I’m going to make it a point to read Lucia/LuciaHF tonight/tomorrow, and have Shizuru done by the end of the week.

The closer Ixrec gets to finishing everything, the closer I want to be to where he is so that the QC isn’t lagging horribly behind the TL.


You are a very good man

Working on QCing Lucia Festa right now. Just has this gem popup and I felt the need to share.

(Lucia HF…ish. Nothing of importance.) (General Rewrite) (Lucia Rewrite Reference) (Shizuru Rewrite)

//<0164> 瑚太朗
<0164> Kotarou

//<0165> 「ガーの話か?」
<0165> 「This is about Guar?」
//I’m reminded of Shizuru chanting “Guar! Guar!” in Rewrite by this line for whatever reason… ~Gnash

//<0166> ルチアから色々な話はすでに聞いている。
<0166> Lucia told me a lot about it.

//<0167> 静流が超人と呼ばれるガーディアンの戦士だということなんかもだ。
<0167> Apparently Shizuru is a superhuman warrior who fights for them.

//<0168> 静流
<0168> Shizuru

//<0169> 「ガーガー」
<0169> 「Gar gar.」
//… Nope, not even going to go there. ~Gnash

You have unlocked the inner workings of Shizuru’s mind, it seems

Haha, I know right?

Finished reading and doing a first pass QC tonight. I’ll read and QC Shizuru over the weekend/next week. Ixrec submitted his first chunk of Kagari the day before yesterday, so here’s hoping that happens quickly.


I just read this all like
“Dis gun b gud.”

My waifu hype can almost not be contained anymore. So only Kagari and Rewrite Quest left. Not long now!


Our patience is paying off. We must send them our energy.

༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ

Insert “Soon.” picture.


Meanwhile, nothing from Doki sigh




Whoa, I thought it was almost dead. But, really really good progress!!! I just hope EX comes out sooner, because it is needed to be read before Kudwaf.

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This might be worthy of a blog article. @Bizkitdoh @Yerian @Pepe, what do you think?

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[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:125, topic:554”]
because it is needed to be read before Kudwaf.
[/quote] Didn’t knew that. Good to know!

Anyone know how to find out when a google docs is last updated.

I may be wrong (last time I visit is almost a year ago) but it looks that there’s something changed in the EX’s docs.

There should be a thing in the top bar pretty much right beside “help” that says “Last edited _____ ago” I’m not sure how long that’s there for or if there’s a way to get rid of it though.
Just checked and I have something that says “last edited October 16th 2014” so I guess it stays a decent amount of time.

N/A if the documents is set to read only.

I “starred” the spreadsheet (by clicking on the star icon next to the title) and so the spreadsheet shows up under Starred on Google Drive, and I can see the last edited date and other information when I click on it. Says last edited Oct 24th, 2014 for me.

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The only issue I see is that the Rewrite quest involves a TON of image translations, and I’m not sure if any have been done yet.

Worse yet, some images are almost impossible to translate without making them from scratch.

For the tutorial images, it’s actually easier to make them from scratch. :smiley: