One I guess signature part of Key’s works is that in nearly all of the works, there are catchphrases, or rather, phrases that characters say so often that it becomes memorable. While there are some obvious ones, I was wondering if you guys observed some less-obvious ones.
I’ll start with the more obvious ones;
Kanon: Uguu, Ayuayu (
Air: Gao, Misuzu (
Little Busters: Wafuu~
planetarian: Okyaku-sama (because Yumemi says it so often, I think it should be elevated to such)
And then there are the animal ones;
Air: Piko, Potato (
Clannad: Puhi & Gofu, Botan
Rewrite: Mosu, Chibimoth
Pretty sure there are others out there that I might have forgotten.