Kazamatsuri.org AIR Bookclub Podcast: AIR Route Delayed

Yeah, sorry Matsushita. Due to unforeseen (that we probably should've seen) circumstances, we've been forced to delay the AIR Route Podcast another week. What that means for you guys is that you have until the 15th to get your final AIR discussion and fanart in for inclusion in the podcast!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://kazamatsuri.org/kazamatsuri-org-air-bookclub-podcast-air-route/


Wasn’t my fault~ I woke up at 9am like planned and half the cast were missing lol.
A part of me considered this a blessing in disguise though. I needed more time to formulate my thoughts before recording.

Nah but you made this video and everything :v You tricked me!

This was a good idea.

This is definitely the best way to announce a delay. XD

That being said, this is nothing short of a miracle for me. I’ll definitely make sure I have time next week to be in the podcast. :slight_smile:

So does this mean the “Grand Finale” is also delayed a week? Or will it go as scheduled, and just gonna happen the same time as the podcast?

Iia iia, the commemoration week is occuring after the final podcast, so it’s also been postponed a week.