Kanon Quotes & Screenshots

Mai: “I… don’t like sad stories.”
Yuuichi: “Who does?”

…you’re doing it on purpose Maeda, right?

“Ojousama, we shall await your return tomorrow.” - Sayuri Fanclub Member

Also, this one is very emotional:
“…” - Mai

I actually saved some of these lines earlier.


Are those from the PSP version? They don’t sound much like the voices I have on my copy.

Yeah. Hence the Yuuichi.

Oh Ayu, we love your quotes :love:


uhhh… are you sure that’s a Kanon quote?

Yep. It was the dub version of episode 3 of Kanon 2006. It played around the halfway mark, after Yuichi and Nayuki talk to Mai and Sayuri. Yuichi is walking in town and then Ayu runs to him and jumps on him,

Huh, how about that.

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We really do need a better quote for the Kanon page imo

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I am not really sure if it counts as a quote since it is more of a monologue.

" I liked the flowing scenery.

Winter , a city of fluttering snow. I loved running through the shopping district leaving behind new foot prints on side-walks.

Spring , a city of melting snow. I loved scooping up … scooping up the little piles of it that hadn’t melted yet underneath the trees.

Summer , a city that’s forgotten the cold of snow. I loved looking at the city when I would take long walks under the shade of my parasol.

Autumn , a city foretelling the arrival of snow. I loved watching the snowflakes drifting down from the clouds I would catch as many as I could in my hands.

And now it’s winter again, the season of snow. The season where the city and everything in it is covered in white.

How I loved the flowing scenery. But like a river frozen in it’s banks my time had stopped flowing. In this rectangular room , in a time that knows no seasons. I was always , always and forever alone. Over and over again I would see the same scenes in my dreams that I always did and I began to surrender to the never-ending night.

But slowly I feel the dawn is … breaking."

  • Ayu Tsukimiya

I don’t mean to spam but I just got the sudden urge to post more quotes.

This one always brought at least a tear to my eye no matter how many times I have seen the show even more so then some of the more hard hitting moments.

“Was I able to smile most of the time”
- Shiori Misaka

" … Youichi do you know about the trees in the north woods? Each one forms a clear new ring every single year. A ring for every cold winter they’ve had to endure. Those trees strong and healthy. The harsh conditions have made them that way, made them able to withstand anything. People are the same. By living through pain and suffering we become stronger… "

-Makoto Sawatari ( the non-fox one )

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“At times like these I find it hard to believe that I share more DNA with Nayuki than a banana.” - Yuichi


“A case of mistaken identity my dear. Amnesiacs are not famed for their reliable memories.” - Yuuichi


Every dream has an end…No matter how nice the dream might be, or how scary it is. Under your warm blanket, the dream comes to an abrupt end, when mother shakes you awake. Forever and ever, the morning scene remains the same. But now I…I wonder…when the dreams began to never end.

  • Yuuichi

@niles_wali Where was this quote from?

It’s the dub of a speech by that Ayu girl. Episode 4 of '06, right at the start. Here’s the version in the VN…


This works really good as a info page quote.

“When you’re halfway through a story, you want to be able to look forward to a happy ending, right? You don’t want it to be sad, life’s tough enough without that. I believe that’s where fiction came from… people dreaming about a world where things end happily.” - Shiori



"You really shouldn’t see these lines
because they’re blank lines left over
from when I fixed the Great Shiori
Disaster of February 2009.

  • Nagato"
  • Shiori Route

A sad illusion… But at that time, I chose illusion over reality. I pushed the sad reality down into the depths of my heart and accepted this illusion, so I could be at ease. So my weak heart would not be crushed. So I wouldn’t hurt my memories…
~ Aizawa Yuuichi

“From time to time, I feel uneasy. I’m afraid of happiness. Uneasy… and afraid. That everything I see before me now might just be a dream.”
~ Tsukimiya Ayu

I feel a frustration in my chest that makes me want to tear myself apart. All I wanted to do was spend the days peacefully. I wanted my memories to continue to remain a peaceful place forever. Because memories are somewhere where anyone can be at ease. But I’ve abandoned those illusions. The door to those sealed memories has been opened. All that lay on the other side was the truth. The reality is before my eyes. The person that I had loved… Tsukimiya Ayu… No longer exists in this world.
~ Aizawa Yuuichi