Jokrono and MagusVerborum try to understand Umineko No Naku Koro Ni

Lots of theorycrafting today! Get your thinking hats on :deino:


This is the episode of the playthrough where we can finally answer the real questions: How much of what we’re shown should we be taking literally? What is the line between fantasy and reality? Will Ben be able to dodge questions indefinitely or will he crack under pressure? FIND OUT SOON! :happy:

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More theory work gets put to the test today. This was really exciting for me since it was the closest evidence we’ve had that my epitaph theory might be correct so far. Also Battler seeing Kinzo was good reinforcement for the idea that he is an accomplice. Here’s hoping it all works out in the end :stuck_out_tongue:


Ima be real, playing this many characters one after the other with relatively similar voices (Beatrice Natsuhi BRonove and Virgilia) nearly broke me. SHOUTOUT TO MY PERFECT VOICE ALLOCATION PLAN.

Also hey, the epitaph got solved again. It’s a good thing we have the world’s biggest idiot to handle all the fame on this one!


It was super great to finally get to see how the adults reacted once the gold had been found; especially with the focus on Natsuhi this episode, it was really interesting to watch them scrambling to keep their plan together. I wonder how this gets resolved :deino:


I really enjoy the talks we get with Virgilia in this episode. Chiru ups the ante in terms of action so it’s nice to have some chill talks in between.

…also arguably your reaction to the lessons Virgilia is trying to teach will make or break your enjoyment of Chiru as well as how deeply you can appreciate it. It’s really about the heart after all <3


Simple short chapters are an interesting change up in this Episode; personally I’m a fan of the faster pace that things seem to be moving at here. Also; this episode presents one of the most asked about puzzles (at least as far as I experienced) in the whole story. Any thoughts on why people find this puzzle in particular so interesting?


The infamous ‘knock’ riddle is simultaneously one of the most interesting and pointless puzzles that Ryukishi puts forward to us. I’m glad that Felix here decided to tackle it, I basically skimmed it the first time i went through and didn’t give too much thought to it. Still, as usual you can learn a lot about the setup of the board by figuring out what the solution is :stuck_out_tongue:

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I came to say that your voice to the man of 19 years ago is perfect. Better than the original. I felt like was really a psycho on the phone. lol


EH?!! There’s no way that thick-headed @Jokrono could ever begin to understand the masterpiece which is Umineko!! :yahaha:
Just kidding, love you bois, I’ll catch up as soon as I can


@JmTrad Thanks! I was surprised how positive of a response that voice got, honestly, but because it’s a character voice I’ve had a lot of experience with I have a lot better emotive range with it which is why I think it’s working.

@TsukiyoAlex love u 2 enjoy catching up


Episode 5 certainly carries on for a good while with these fast and hard chapters loaded with lots of useful clues and details. Seeing as the whole book is like this I don’t really consider it a spoiler to say that there are a lot of important details tucked away in innocuous sentences in this chapter, and it was really fascinating to go over it once more.

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The end of the prologuey part of Ep5 is here! It’s a good thing there’s nothing of importance in these first 9 chapters lets get on with the murders already!

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I bet 10 tons of gold that someone has already asked you if you wanted to do Higurashi gameplay, I started 2 months ago, and finished Episode 3, and played all 3 episodes again to confirm my theories. And I say it’s worth it.

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We definitely have been asked a bunch about Higurashi, and it’s on the table but we’re waiting to see how circumstances change later in the year because of how logistically challenging Umineko was to record. Maybe once the rest of the main arcs get a release date on Steam we’ll take a serious look at it.

It’s finally murder time in Ep5! As many clues as I latched on to in this episode there’s one particular one that I only noticed in passing here that came back to bit me later on. Wonder if you can figure out what that was :deino:?


Let the deaths begin!


I’m glad we started our discussion talking about Zelda games. For the record, the characters you have to get together are Anju and Kafei. The quest requires some pretty precise timing running around town accomplishing various tasks over the 3 days the game gives you, but my god it was worth it in the end (even though by nature of the game we then had to reset the timeline in order to beat the game thus rendering all actions moot like some kind of existential crisis).

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I have found them. MY scientific discovery. Give Ryukishi 3 points.

Thought I’d resurrect this post just so I could post this meme. I personally haven’t seen any of their Umineko Videos but from their Higurashi Videos, I can very much rate them as some of the most fun I have had on youtube and have become probably my favourite youtube channel.

I personally like to listen to them when drawing or studying (really doesnt help with the study) but its great for anyone who listens to podcast or audiobooks, particularly for anyone who didn’t read Higurashi or Umineko because of the absence of voice casting in the game. Lots of banter but real good.

SHOUTOUT TO @Jokrono for his shameless

Would be great if they did a playthrough on their channel of the KFC dating Simulator, I love you, Colonel Sanders! A finger lickin’ good dating simulator. its about 3-6hours I believe. @MagusVerborum you can convince him, but don’t believe in yourself to do it, believe in me because I believe in you. Either way Check out their Channel.


Watching through this playlist now. High quality thank you!!!

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@Jokrono @MagusVerborum PLEASE VOICE THIS.

This is really well done and anyone who likes Umineko will like this meme. Felix and Ben really need to do their voices for this because why not.

Spoilers for Umineko Chapter 2 (kinda spoiler, although not really)

Here is the original skit that the meme is based off, in case you havent seen it yet.

My sister has actually shown me that Umineko video to me in the past. It’s great.

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