Japesland's KEY Anthology Saxophone Collection Announced

At Kazamatsuri.org, we do our best to cover all the latest Key news from official sources. But we also need to take the time to cover significant events happening across the international community of Key fans as well. This post is about one such project.

Japesland is a Youtuber who produces saxophone covers of various Japanese anime and game music. Just today, he has announced a project he has been working on for a while: "The KEY Anthology Saxophone Collection"; a free album of 17 different saxophone covers of various tracks from 6 of Key's titles: Kanon, AIR, CLANNAD, planetarian, Little Busters!, and Rewrite. The album is scheduled to launch at the beginning of the new year on the 1st of January, 2015. You can preview the album in the teaser below. The final album will be in 192kbps MP3 format, including sheet music, album art, and "other potential goodies". If you like what you hear, maybe consider supporting the guy! Kazamatsuri.org is always eager to support Key fans willing to create content for others in the community to enjoy. You can find his channel here, or catch him on Twitter here.


Kanon - Last Regrets
Kanon - Sunny Town (日溜まりの街)
Kanon - Kaze no Tadori Tsuku Basho (風の辿り着く場所)
AIR - Bird's Poem (鳥の詩)
AIR - Blue Skies (青空)
AIR - Path in a Field (野道)
CLANNAD - Mag Mell (メグメル)
CLANNAD - Hurry, Starfish (は~りぃすたーふぃっしゅ)
CLANNAD - The Palm of a Tiny Hand (小さなてのひら)
planetarian - Gentle Jena
Little Busters! - Grief of a Troubled Girl (騒がし乙女の憂愁)
Little Busters! - Only One Magic World (たったひとつの魔法の言葉)
Little Busters! - Waking Up In The Morning (目覚めた朝に)
Little Busters! - Saya's Song
Rewrite - Anthurium (アンスリウム)
Rewrite - Carnation (カーネーション)
Rewrite - Sanka (散花)


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://kazamatsuri.org/japeslands-key-anthology-saxophone-collection-announced/

The saxophone is a relatively challenging instrument to play, and I always give extra credit to people who give away their music for free~

Haven’t really heard any previous Key saxophone covers, and this guy’s pretty good, so I hope this turns out well!

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Thank you for the exposure! I hope everyone likes it. Sharing free saxophone music online has been a passion of mine for the past few years so I’m very excited to have a complete “album” out there. :smile:


I’m going to get a kick out of listening to your album. I listened to the preview and it sounds great. Kudos to you for putting the time and effort into it to make it a reality!

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! It’s not Scene Shifts There, but it’s close enough! Sanka would sound amazing on Saxophone. I am hype ._.

Forgot about the other songs in the hype. Looking forward to Blue Skies, Only One Magic World, and Waking Up In The Morning.

Woah! I’m pretty excited for this. I’m kind of a fan of @Japesland :smiley: Actually this is my favorite work of his: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=482WO74lG5s

why ;_;

Is he gonna be selling a higher quality version? Because I would totally pay for FLAC quality

Listening to the preview for the 3rd time now. Really great job on all the tracks!

I think I’m most excited to hear Anthurium. Sax just fits the jazz feel of the song so well~


Dis gon be gud

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Hype level maxed, Thanks for sharing will look forward to it.