Introducing the CLANNAD Bookclub! Win a copy of CLANNAD on Steam!

Kazamatsuri is very excited to finally announce the long-awaited CLANNAD Bookclub! To get you up to speed, we've produced a video including everything you need to know about the CLANNAD Bookclub and why you should get involved!

Thanks to forum members SuikaShoujo and cjlim2007, and also to

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

(Is it here? why am I the first one?)
My twitter account:
Following and Retweeted!

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Yes this is the correct place, and welcome to our community! If I give your entry a like then you can take that as confirmation that I’ve verified you and you’re in the running!

Now that I’m certain I should post in this topic rather than one I happened to miss… Piko!

Followed for a long time and retweeted this afternoon! :

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Followed and Retweeted:

I wonder why it took me so long to follow Kaza on Twitter…Anyway, it’s a good thing to be here again to experience such an amazing story in a whole new medium. I’ve been all fired up to read CLANNAD with you guys, and I hope my contributions, though small, will help make this bookclub the best one yet. :slight_smile:

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I guess put me in for a shot as well :slight_smile:

I’m pretty excited for this bookclub, to be honest! CLANNAD was what got me into both Key and Visual Novels in general, so I will be glad to share my thoughts and analyze this game to the fullest with the rest of you guys on here

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I take it this is where I sign up, or at least make my interest known for this?

You don’t ‘sign up’ to the Bookclub, anybody can come and join in whenever they want! But you’ll want to read at a steady pace if you want to keep ahead of the podcast discussions.

If you’re talking about the giveaway, then make sure you link to your Twitter or Facebook showing proof that you’ve met the requirements for entry.

There we go, retweeted
In all honesty, I was actually about to start reading Rewrite in the next couple of weeks or so and I think this may slow down my reading of Rewrite, but I think it may be worth it.

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I’m really looking forward to not only listening to the podcast, but also reading the comments of other users. Perhaps there’s some sort of hidden meaning I might have missed while reading the VN.

Because you guys thought my hype for Sekai’s translation wasn’t high enough! I’m really looking forward to this.

Retweeted it:

I’m so looking forward to this~!

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Totally hyped for Clannad!
Been waiting so long for a chance to discuss the visual novel, it seems barely anyone I know ever even gave it a chance due to the success of the anime.

Here is my Twitter page, retweet done!

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followed and retweeted
this is my acount
i want it so badly

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Been following for a while, Kinda cool that you are working with Sekai.

here is my account

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I’m very excited. :smile:

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I am really excited for this game, and would be happy to share another copy of the game with one my friends if I win the giveaway. Also thanks for doing the book club, I look forward to joining in the discussion!

Edit: Here is my retweet:

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Retweeted! (I’d like a copy to give to a friend)

1 Like clannad hype

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I just saw my CLANNAD production update 34 in my email and I immediately went on here to reply. I think it’s rather neat got a mention in the update. I’m super stoked to be apart of this community.

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