Holy Breaker! - A new visual novel by Key staff - announced for release in December

In lieu of no recent Angel Beats! news, an unexpected announcement has cropped up. A new visual novel is being produced by two of Key's central staff, but not as a part of Key's brand. The game is titled Holy Breaker! -The Witch Betrayed Blue Moon Wicca.-, and is being produced with Key's famed artist Itaru Hinoue as the project's lead and character designer, and Leo Kashida, known for his work on Tomoyo After and Mio's route of Little Busters as scenario writer for the project. Joining them is Donmaru handling sound, and Faylan performing the game's opening.

The game is being produced as a doujin title under the Hitaru Inoue Design Office brand and published by Visual Art's, to be sold as at the Comic Market 87 event between December 28 and 30. The game will be short in length, and is rated 15+. Here is a rough translation of the story listed on the website:

The world was created by weapons. Kings of myth once wielded these ten legendary weapons to create nations. If one were to acquire all ten weapons, they would wield tremendous destructive power. When two moons float in the sky, the legend will become reality, and the hidden power within the weapons will be awakened. Now, under those two moons, a black witch and white demon-hunter face each other. Tsukumi Izumi, a high school boy who witnessed their battle, is eventually pulled into their conflict. It is an action packed story depicting a modern Japan, and the battle of two girls under two moons.

The story is rooted in Wiccan mythology. Our first heroine, Minase Tenma, is an airheaded black witch who wields the legendary sickle and is deadly in battle. The second heroine, Haruka Abeno, is a refined demon-hunter who wields the legendary chain, and seeks to claim all ten legendary weapons for herself. And our protagonist, Tsukumi Izumi, is a second-year highschool boy with a younger sister named Tomoko who is hospitalized, and he is constantly worrying about her.

The game seems to be a brief, one-off excursion for Itaru and Leo from their work with Key, rather than a permanent departure from the company. If you're a fan of Leo Kashida's writing or Itaru Hinoue's art, then it may definitely be worth keeping an eye on this. What do you think? Are you eager to invest in a new short story from some of Key's staff?


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://kazamatsuri.org/holy-breaker-a-new-visual-novel-by-key-staff-announced-for-release-in-december/

News via Key: http://key.visualarts.gr.jp/info/2014/10/holy_breaker87.html

Official page: http://itaru-designoffice.product.co.jp/holy_breaker/

Dengeki info (contains character designs 'n things): http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/944/944727/

HOLY BREAKER! The Witch Betrayed. Blue Moon Wicca.
This looks crazy.

Nobody is here talking about this and I can’t read this stuff, but I figured this should be posted and I can update this when there’s information. But for now- Seems Key/Itaru Hinoue/Leo Kashida whipped up a VN of sorts. So we wanted a new planetarian type deal- This is as close as you can get to that mold I suppose, although as Tony said, the 3k Yen price point leads one to believe this might be a fair deal larger. Available at Comiket 87, 12/28/2014. This entirely slipped under my radar. Sasuga, Key.

Uhm, hype much? This came out of nowhere, even though we saw these designs and kinda got a hint.

Special thanks to @JimRaynor_2001 for being the person to bring this to my attention!

I KNEW those characters had to be part of something in the works!

I actually saw this last night before I went to sleep, but didn’t look too much into it at the time, so thanks for reminding me. Really hyped though; I can’t wait to see what they do with this.

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Apparently this came to light around a week ago, even, just not via official sources. Really sneaked up on me! It was officially announced at least 9 hours ago and I’m just now seeing it because I’ve been out. Surprised nobody picked up on it. :o I look to pretty up the OP at some point. xP

And here’s the HOLY BREAKER! introduction page on Dengeki Online! They have character design images too! http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/944/944727/

More details than official site as usual. -3-

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So the guy who worked on the Mio route did the story on this? If so, then this is gonna be really intersting. I quite enjoyed Mio’s route. I am excited to hear more about this. oh and I also really like the art, so it look really good so far.

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Leo is currently working on Angel Beats! but as also worked with Clannad/Tomoyo After. Pretty good writer. Lots of time working with Maeda. Him, Maeda and Kai are kinda like OG Key writer bro-triangle at this point.

Somewhere in Japan an amnesiac with an appetite fights an elegant rich girl. A Male highschooler witnesses it and gets caught up in everything. Oh, and there’s two moons.

Doesn’t sound particularly amazing, but we only have this small bit of information to go by. It might surprise me~
It certainly looks like something Hinoue Itaru would make.

Will definitely read, but I’m not really sure what to think atm. Anyone know the story of myth that it is supposed to be based on?

It’s based on a myth? o.o


Ah wait, I misread that. Its based on Wicca, a modern witchcraft religion. So I guess my real question is, does anyone know anything about the mythology of Wicca?

So I guess we’ll probably be seeing two routes here…? One for either girl.

Also obv. some kind of connection between with the two moons and the two girls.


inb4 end is Girl A/B kills Girl B/A and one of the moons asplodes.

Looking forward to seeing what comes of this. Looks… different. But hey, different is good sometimes.

I actually saw this news yesterday http://seventhstyle.com/2014/10/28/holy-breaker-hinoue-itarus-new-vn/ and shared it on skype but nobody seemed to pay attention and I ended up forgetting about it. Same case as @MalignantSeraph haha

Anyways, I guess it’s news that even Key posted about it on their own website, which means they are giving her their full support. Kind of reminds me of how Angel Beats started lol.

Art looks really good, as epected from Hinoue :smiley: I do wonder about the length.

Well this is definetely very interesting. Looking forward to it. :smiley:

Sorry everyone ignored you. ^^; I legit didn’t see it or you didn’t make a big enough fuss over what it was. Idk.

At any rate, nobody made a thing about it and I didn’t hear about it until 9 hours post official announcement, but here we are.

I really want a copy of this…

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Finally a VN to look forward to

Wow, that’s a pleasant surprise. It’ll probably be a while until I can read and actually understand it (either my Japanese improves enough or someone makes an English patch, whichever comes first) but I’m definitely looking forward to it.

This seems interesting and quite different. I’m looking forward to it.