Like most things in japan that come over here in the US, have been out for a few years before you hear about it (unless you keep up with Japanese media)
We finally get an influx of official VN translations ie: from Sekai project, jast, mangagamer, etc… and I know from the sekai projects corner they promote oelvns (original English language visual novels) and they have no h scenes whosoever. Most of them anyways.
Like KEY used to make eroge till Clannad changed the world. You don’t need sex in a story to make it good. Little Busters as many of you know, has H scenes in the original EX release. Idek why they chose to do this, possibly to resell the game and promote the new routes to the non eroge players. And make more money
But sex scenes have been a staple thing in Visual novels. I have no problem with them, only with the people the mistake between
Eroge (story with explicit sex scene) and Nukige (plot is irrelevant and sex is the main focus)
And the people that think they can jump onto the vn community and pout about how sex scenes undermine the premise of the story and ruin it.
Look at rated R movies, either sex or extreme violence or in a book in general, no rating…something is bound to surprise you.
I know most people will think twice between reading a novel with a sex scene, but for certain novels like fate stay night and Grisaia, those sex scenes are quite an important part of plot development.
Its like going onto a coffee shop and trying to get them to remove decaf. Many people like coffee, and there are different types. Choose your type and don’t try to turn wine to water.
I’ve seen enough posts online to say don’t read a novel if you arn’t ok with the porn. Don’t complain and say ‘is there an all age version?’ When the point of these games are to get romantically involved with a girl.
Sex is bound to happen (a serious assumption, I know) but whether it is prevalent or not shouldn’t make people resent the game itself or consider to not play it.
From my point of view VN’s with sex scenes put no hindrence to a story. Honestly, Visual Novels pretty much were focused on sex to begin with. Much has evolved the past decade.
All in all, whether you read VN’s for the plot or sex, the eroge market won’t leave us yet in japan. There is a story for everyone, don’t try to read a eroge with h scenes removed, it ruins the story and you will be lost at some parts. Thankfully mangagamer and jast have been bringing us games with censorship removed from games otherwise in japan that have been censored.
There is still hope for this world