General Visual Novel Topic

Oh, okay. Read the top. Was not even slightly surprised. I just started Aiyoku no Eustia, with intentions of completing the entire thing. It was mostly the hype that got me into the whole thing. And seeing the VERY TOP HERE, adding to it… Yeah, lol, only more reason to go through it. Got college responsibilities floating around, but I should generally have time.

Dunno if I should post it here, or in the general gaming discussion, but it’s on VNDB so that’s good enough for me!

Anyone else started out Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney? Just came out last week (in US regions) and I’ve just finished the prologue and it was really really good! Even the first case was pretty amazing.
Layton puzzles were… Well, more of the same thing haha.

Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t read just one route of Eustia and be done with it (unless you wanted to only read Fione’s route). the way the game is set up you have to complete other routes to unlock the next one in line.

Also, you mentioned in the other thread that you’ve read Mina’s route on C@F; what did you think of that? I’m sure you saw in the OP that I was reading it at the time I was writing it, and I actually haven’t met many other people that have read it.

It was…hold on. I’ve never been asked this before, but Asagao said exactly what was on my mind when I got to it. I saved it in a .txt document and everything.

朝顔「せっかく乗り込もうとしていたのに……拍子抜けですね。」That’s how I felt when it ended. Didn’t the grandpa seem to sorta change a little… TOO quickly? Maybe it’s because I misinterpreted a line or something, but… I felt like he made a 180 WAY too quickly.

What else though… thought everything else though, build up in the route (that whole “fighting” thing, and other such things) was pretty hype. Thought the art and parts where things got really shiny were absolutely beautiful… and Taiyou is absolutely hilarious at times. A tiny bit sick of the whole friendship thing being so emphasized, but I thought it was enjoyable overall. Worth the read to me.

Wait, it has to be unlocked? I’m pretty sure a friend skipped some. They’re in order, but can’t you just choose choices that don’t get you on their routes to go past them?

yeah, I think he turned around way too quickly too, but it wasn’t a huge deal in my opinion. overall it was a decent read; nothing really special about it.

As far as Eustia goes, technically you don’t have to do any of the routes, but you have to complete each character arc before continuing to the next character arc. I probably should have worded that better, my bad

I’ve read a handful of visual novels. While Little Busters is my #1 VN, my second favourite would probably be Umineko. It did really drag on a bit around the middle and I was getting a bit tired, but I persevered and it was worth it in the end. I’ve been meaning to do a reread but haven’t got round to it yet. The Higurashi VNs are excellent, as well as Steins;Gate and Fate/Stay Night.

Hatoful Boyfriend surprised me. I dropped my playthrough of it initially, but read a Let’s Play and the final route was actually quite good.

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Oooh, the Bad Boys Love route? It’s surprising, and they make use of it really well.

PCGamer actually did a review of Hatoful yesterday, and the final route was the one that got praise.

Unfortunately, most of the VNs I read are in Japanese, so I don’t have many friends to talk about what I’m reading with. That doesn’t keep me from reading them though.

At the moment I’m playing Palette’s new VN: Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki. This is the first VN I’ve played from them and so far I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how good it is.

some of the other ones I’ve enjoyed outside of Key include: Sphere’s Imouto no Katachi, August’s Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai (which has a currently airing anime <3), and Purple Software’s Hapymaher.

How was Daitoshokan? I’m enjoying the anime a lot and considering dropping it to get the full run from the VN.

I know how that can be with reading from Japanese, Didn’t really have anyone to talk to about LB outside of a few communities till a year after I’d read it. Could never get into japanese message boards and such their whole net culture is too foreign to me still.

I enjoyed it to the point where I read both of its fandiscs and still wasn’t wanting to be done with the series.

If you’re enjoying the anime already then I have no doubt that you’ll also enjoy the VN. Fair warning though, if you’ve never played an August VN it might take a while to get used to the Gesture menu. Also, the anime has already done a few things that might be considered heavy spoilers in the VN, but work perfectly fine in an anime setting, so it might be a bit awkward to transition between the two now that you’ve started one.

Oh, there’s someone else here who has read Daitoshokan! We were having a discussion on August some time ago (I like a few of their VNs) and it was recommended. I can’t remember who spoke about it though…

I am staying away from the anime adaption because from what I’ve heard it ruins a plot twist right at the start, and is shaping up to be fairly mediocre so far.

Speaking of untranslated VNs, have you read Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete? I’m watching the anime now (which is great) and it’s one of those stories that you can tell would be amazing in a VN format (like OreTsuba or something.)

I don’t really see a reason to stay away from the anime if you’ve completed the VN, but if not then I definitely see how it could be a problem. They literally just threw a bunch of spoilers out on episode 1, then dropped a few more in episode 2. I don’t think the anime is particularly bad, but I definitely think it would be better to read the VN if you’re able to. Speaking of August’s VNs, have you seen anything about Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki yet? I’m pretty sure there’s not much more than a teaser site for it yet, but I’m really looking forward to it.

I actually had not heard that WaraMete was a VN before. I’m enjoying the anime, but I hadn’t thought to look it up before now. It makes sense though, it really does seem like one of those shows that would be better in VN format. That would also explain some of the voice actors and the slightly unusual art style.

I don’t really like fantasy stuff like this (especially when all the charpcters get given crazily flashy costumes) but it looks like at least one of the characters is from a modern setting… It’ll be a strange one :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the art style is just an experiment to look for a more cost-effective method of animating. I doubt they were given much of a budget to make it with~

August (in my opinion at least) is really good at making interesting settings; but I agree that I’m not too much of a fan of the flashy costumes. The fact that エルザ seems to be from a modern setting is probably the most interesting part about it at this point though.

The art definitely does seem to be more budget based than quality based, but it looks really similar to the VN art IMO, so it seems to be accomplishing its goal on that front. Sad that they probably don’t have much money to animate with though, apparently the VN got pretty good ratings.

So I started reading Hoshizora no Memoria and am enjoying it. Chinami is literally the best. I’m doing Asuho’s route first for now because she’s practically forced at you lmao

Music is godtier btw

I think I dropped that VN quite early on. I had heard a lot of praise for it, and the opening was okay, so it’s a shame… I remember I tried getting to the secret routes but unlocking them was just too much work. Looking up the characters, I remember going through the Asuho, Komomo, Aoi, and Chinami routes, however I dropped the VN part-way through Chinami’s. Aside from that, all I remember is that Asuho was very bold, Aoi was the complete opposite, and Chinami was annoying. There was one track I remember singing along to… but that might have been from Shinikiss.
Fairly boring start, all the promising routes were locked away, and the only character I liked appeared to be the side character of one of the latter routes (Setsuna, apparently.)

I’ll probably go back to it one day because the secret routes had a good amount of build up during the common route, but it’s not something I feel that I need to complete any time soon.

I have a friend playing HoshiMemo right now. It’s actually his first time reading a VN too, so I’ve been having a little fun “advertising” other VNs to him for when he finishes.

I personally have not played it, but I would like to at some point since I’ve heard its (for the most part) a pretty good read. My backlog is kinda huge right now though, so it would probably be a while before I get to it.

So, I’m curious what people here think of minori’s titles. I’m a big fan of ef, and I’ve had my eye on eden for a while. So it’s pretty exciting to see that Mangagamer are not only bringing eden to Steam, but also working together with Minori to help fund their future titles with the help of the western consumer. See here:

But I’m a bit conflicted. As much as I loved ef and am interested in eden, I’m having difficulty seeing the appeal of Supipara, the game they’re trying to fund. ef was full of drama, intrigue and just awesome storytelling. Supipara clearly has the budget behind it, but all the descriptions I’ve read of it sound very… boring! Where’s the drama and intrigue meant to be? Supipara just sounds like a very typical, pandering type of eroge with ‘fun heroines’ and not a whole lot of drama. Or am I completely missing the point? Has anybody played Supipara, and might be able to enlighten me? As much as I love minori, at the moment I don’t feel like it deserves my money :confused:

But then I look at minori’s more recent titles, Natsuzora no Perseus and 12 no Tsuki no Eve, and just by reading the blurb I’m already vastly more interested in reading them. Why would Supipara be the focus of minori’s efforts right now then?

There’s a lot I don’t know about the situation, but I was wondering if I could get other people’s thoughts.

To me, it seems like Supipara isn’t finished, and as the VN market seems to be declining in Japan, while on the rise in the west, minori is attempting to finish their VN through funding in the west.

Well my understanding is that they released the first episode or two a few years back, and have since moved on to different works instead of continuing supipara.