General Visual Novel Topic

Just started Tsukihime a couple of days ago now that the book club is done and I can think of something other than AIR. I’ve been meaning to play it forever since I really really enjoyed Fate. I had a hard time starting out though because the backgrounds are so dull and color washed, and I tend to have issues with non-voiced VN’s but I can get over it because the story has finally hooked me. I hit the point where you see Arc for the first time and have the “episode” and stopped right after that, and I’m really looking forward to picking it back up. As for FH/A I think I’m going to wait until they finish patching in the voices before I read it.

[quote=“Yerian, post:324, topic:108”]
Really want to read MajiKoi and Higurashi/Umineko but as with most things I havent had time yet.
[/quote]Sounds like me all three of those are high on my list of to-do’s.

[quote=“Kaze, post:323, topic:108”]
you poor soul. It’s been like 7 years and we got a PV 3 years ago?[/quote]
Never lose hope! I thought the MajiKoi translations were done for, but then it suddenly went really fast :smiley:

[quote=“Yerian, post:324, topic:108, full:true”]
Ooooo yay another Type-Moon fan. Havent read Tsukihime yet but I love the Fate series and Kara no Kyoukai.[/quote]
Tsukihime is closer to KnK than Fate in its theme, but a bit darker. @Bowiie already got a slight taste of it with his first meeting with Arc :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Yerian, post:324, topic:108, full:true”]Really want to read MajiKoi and Higurashi/Umineko but as with most things I havent had time yet.
[/quote]MajiKoi doesn’t really have to be read all at once, you can just read a few scenes and then take a break, since it’s so Slice of Life-ish. For Higu/Umi I recommend doing 1 Arc within 2-3 days though, so you don’t get confused with what’s going on, and having a good memory for details and information will help too, so you can put the pieces together to figure out what’s going on^^

[quote=“Bowiie, post:327, topic:108”]
Just started Tsukihime a couple of days ago now that the book club is done and I can think of something other than AIR.[/quote]Are you using music from the moonlit archives for the OST? Because the original OST is meh. I still have a .rar of the music I used for Tsuki and KT on mega, can post the link if you want

[quote=“Bowiie, post:327, topic:108”]As for FH/A I think I’m going to wait until they finish patching in the voices before I read it.[/quote]They’re going to do that? That’s going to be… interesting, because there’s a slight issue with there being voices… those who’ve read it will know what I mean^^

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I haven’t done anything to it so yeah I’m assuming I’m still using the original. I’ve noticed there is one song in particular that tricks me, because when the song runs out it stops for about a second before it loops again, and more often than not I’ll think its a song change in the middle of the scene.

[quote=“Skyzzed, post:328, topic:108”]
They’re going to do that? That’s going to be… interesting, because there’s a slight issue with there being voices… those who’ve read it will know what I mean^^
[/quote]Yeah they started working on it back in March, but I figured once they released it on Vita with voices it wouldn’t be long before someone ripped them out of there.

[quote=“Bowiie, post:329, topic:108”]
I haven’t done anything to it so yeah I’m assuming I’m still using the original.[/quote]
You really should use OSTs from the Moonlit Archives, it’s so much better than the VNs original OST (Example)
Here’s a link to my .rar with the music, you just need to replace the folder (it also contains my folder for Kagetsu Tohya, you can ignore that one for now^^)
Note that this is my personal selection of tracks which I picked by going through the entire Archives for each track to find the one that best fit the type of scene it was used it in my opinion, other people have different selections, so it comes down to your own preferences :smiley:

Cute guy? Does that thing even exists? lol

But I don’t think it’s very usual to find “cuteness” in otomeges (I’ve never got why, but apparently japanese women love rape and being locked in a tower by a guy)…

I didn’t know, though, you liked cuteness. Most people in here don’t seem to be fan of that (Thank God, because sometimes when people like that they’re too much extreme). I myself like cuteness, but I don’t think moeges would be good for me (males in the middle of cute girls, besides the pervertedness, take out their cuteness imo. So if I want something cute, I’d rather watch a CGDCT anime)

All the main characters in Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo are cute nod nod

It turns away more people than it attracts. I guess that’s arguable for all H-scenes though.

Hmm… probably a different type of cuteness to what you like~ But yeah, cuteness and girls in suits. Mix those things together, and you get the heart of a Taka~ You should have seen me when Kawaisou was airing.
CGDCT shows are just boring though imo.

New game by Ryukishi07!

It’s called Shukuhime and it’s a horror game.



Made by DMM, huh? No wonder the art is good this time :stuck_out_tongue:
Well, I just hope it’ll get translated sometime in the future

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That is soooo beyond ironic because it’s DMM… But soooo true sigh

Oooh, awesome looking. And it’s horror too, dang!
Love the art, done by Kazuharu Kina.

Anyway, wasn’t Ryukishi07 planning for another project with his Rewrite co-writers? Guess we’ll have to wait for them all~

Yup and it’s already being featured on 07th expansion’s website:

Ryukishi07 doing 2 projects now, and both look interesting, this is great^^

Secretly I’m still waiting for another no naku koro ni VN, but for now I’ll take what I can get

Ehh, still no WTC? This looks too similar to his past projects…

Making another no naku koro ni is actually a pretty huge task…
I think he’s either preparing for it a lot, or he’s not sure if he’s up for the task, because if I were him I’d want to try to top Umineko, but that will be really hard to do (we both know why, that VN was just wow^^), so I can kinda understand why he’s not working on it (yet)

Still, the next one will probably still be released before the Tsukihime remake ;_;

You can’t top Umineko. Just aim to top Higurashi :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nasu said production is still proceeding… ;_; It will be here Soon™ enough…

We shall see… actually it’s Higurashi that’s giving me high hopes for Iwaihime (edit: I just read the blog again and apparently it’s Iwai, not Shuku) , because the atmosphere in Onikakushi and Watanagashi had a good scariness to it (and (Higurashi Kai ending spoiler->) sadness when reading it a 2nd time after you know everything ;_; ) so I know that he can do creepy stuff well and am thus looking forward to a VN that focuses on the horror aspect :3

[quote=“Yerian, post:342, topic:108”]
Nasu said production is still proceeding… ;_; It will be here Soon™ enough…
[/quote]Well… with Dark Souls 3 now announced I feel like that soon™ is still a while away :confused:
I swear, if they cut Sacchin’s route again because of time trouble I’ll… dunno, write a strongly worded letter in very broken japanese or something
On the other hand, if they make Sacchin’s route good and maybe add a little Sion, Riesbyfe and/or Akira side-route(s) it’ll be worth the wait^^

edit: TL for the Iwaihime teaser blurb from reddit:

Hajakenshou…Crush evil, spread the truth.
For generations, the men of the Susuharai family have left home at a
fixed age to become independent. By tempering themselves without aid,
they would have their adulthood recognized. In preparation for that day,
I learned an array of things.

Susuda Prefectural High School—my new halls of leaning. To tell the
truth, I had planned to transfer my first year, not second. But my
everyday life here wasn’t just carefree; it was pleasant. I passed the
days happily with any of my peers from Second Year Class A.

But there was a girl—Kurokami Toe. To call her strange would be a
lacking description. Never for a moment would she let go of the
traditional Japanese doll she held in her arms. There were those who
whispered it was a cursed doll, whose hair would grow when you weren’t
looking. Indeed, it was an eerie doll.

However, meeting Kurokami might have been fate. No, it must have been.

What the FUCK Hatoful Boyfriend is WAY more intense than I thought it would be. Holy crap.

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That one was definitely a surprise. I came for the bad bird jokes, stayed for the surprisingly intricate plot.

So i’m still a super beginner in Japanese, but Dies Irae has caught my eye. Just from the few glimpses i’ve gotten, it looks fantastic. Anyone here read it? How difficult is the Japanese?