English VisualArt's Facebook Page Founded!

The title pretty much says it all- An official English VisualArt's Company Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/VisualArtsUSA, has been active as of April 8th, 2015, and boy is it exciting!

The past year has been full of events that many of us would have thought impossible and this is no exception. There isn't much more for me to say about this awesome news other than to encourage everyone to please go support their page! With Sekai Project's planetarian localization and successfully funded CLANNAD kickstarter that moves ever forward each and every day, the English speaking community's relationship with Key/VisualArt's has never been better. I know we've said this a lot, but it's more true every time! Remember that it's up to us to keep showing our support and gratitude. Keep it up, and I think the future bodes well for us all!

Please feel free to join in and discuss what you think about this news in our discussion topic on the forum!

Source: http://key.visualarts.gr.jp/info/2015/04/facebook.html

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://kazamatsuri.org/english-visualarts-facebook-page-founded/

So… That Clannad x Angel Beats x Harmonia cover photo…

Clannad is getting an official English localization, so…

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


So allow me to be the first to speculate like a crazy person-

So anyone else find it interesting that this page showcases CLANNAD (in progress), Angel Beats! and Harmonia?

Normally 'd just be like duh that’s what they’re doing right now BUT seeing as this is a page targeting specifically English speaking folk and only English speaking folk… Isn’t it… Interesting? What would they have to be excited about over something they can’t read? ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)


English Harmonia confirmed!

Angel Beats already is in English with the Anime.


Welcome to to the Hype Train !

My mind keeps telling me no way but my body is telling me yes…

The sooner we get English Harmonia the better. I really hope that Sekai picks it up, preferably within the next couple years. If not, I’ll be forced to limp through it and make my own shoddy translation, and nobody wants that.

@Conk3r I think you misunderstand, Biz is the hype train.

@BerserkerMagi I guess it doesn’t really matter, but let’s keep the League memes in the League thread.


For those optimists, sure that’s a hype-hinting move to have official english fanpage. Complete with a picture of their recent/upcoming project, one of them which recently got official english translation. Just connect the dot guys!

For those pessimists, it’s just another company fanpage that showcases their flagship products. Too much missing link to connect the dots. :slight_smile:

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ITS HAPPENING…I can see it now within a few days Sekai announces a partnership with Visual Arts…confirms simul-release of Harmonia and the Angel Beats! beats.

Does this page cover other Visual Art’s companies other than Key? I just see Key there…

Well it’s ‘VisualArts Co.,Ltd.’ for limited I assume, so the page is limited to the one major portion other than say, Saga Planets, and one that is actually becoming a thing overseas. It explains that the page is ‘VisualArt’s/Key’, being the name itself, and all their products and Hinoue’s stuff.

I believe they intend to focus on Key works but are leaving it generic at the moment to provide them more flexibility. I’m not expecting too much English content, but I am optimistic the page will be updated with relative frequency.

Just as a side note, people really shouldn’t assume that Key is giving subtle hints about plans to translate -1st beat- or Harmonia due to the banner image. I’m as excited as anyone about the prospect of it being translated, but realistically they are there for marketing purposes. CLANNAD just celebrated its 10th anniversary and has a game being translated in English, Angel Beats! is popular and has an upcoming release, and Harmonia is their next VN project. I’m certain that if CLANNAD’s release is a success they will seriously consider an expeditious English release of any one of a number of Key works. That being said, consider everything that has been announced this year already. VisualArt’s has a ton on their plate which they’re going to want to focus on over the next few months while further assessing English speaking markets. These things take time!

Bottom line: I think it’s great that we can all be excited about the steps that have been made, but our expectations shouldn’t be raised so high that we’ll succumb to disappointment later on.

@Bizkitdoh: The ‘Co.,Ltd.’ is a corporate designation signifying that VisualArt’s is a limited liability company.

Wrong one.

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Yeah, I caught that too. (See how many projects they’re working on? Haha!) My bad! ^^;

Yeah, but who is it marketing to.

Well it was titled ‘USA’ and shared on media as being for foreign fans, who could just as easily get the information on one of many sources because well, they know Japanese- Unless they intend to target other languages, such as English, and to support their international presence and relationships. Granted, I’m pretty excited about all the things I have zero capacity to enjoy in a fully legal sense- But I wouldn’t really say there are many quite like me.

In the end the speculating is for fun, as noted, but the support should be there regardless.

I would assume they are being marketed to English speaking fans who, as a way of supporting Key works, may choose to buy associated merchandise. Even though Key hasn’t previously sold goods directly to the West doesn’t mean that they won’t start doing so, and even if they don’t their international fans have been able to acquire Key goods though proxys or similar services.

I think Key’s decision to open the VisualArtsUSA Facebook page was an excellent decision from both a business and social perspective. Establishing new venues of communication with fans should benefit everyone involved. I just recall they’ve indicated that their staff’s English ability is limited and therefore I am not expecting a lot of it.

Pfft, let’s not talk marketing. They threw Charlotte in amongst the AB teaser and the AB website.

They can always hire some random blond person with a single-syllable name. I’d recommend this guy.


And as exciting as this is, guys, that we will finally be getting some direct communication, they have already stated very clearly several times that they are not even going to consider translating other VNs until they see the extent of quality and success of CLANNAD. I’m very anxious to see what kind of stuff and how often they will communicate, though.


I find it weird that Charlotte isn’t part of the banner. Don’t Crunchyroll and Aniplex have some sort of deal or something (or at least all of Aniplex’s shows the past few seasons have been on Crunchyroll) so it’s pretty much confirmed to be available legally here while Harmonia isn’t.