Emerald Busters: A Pokémon Hack

Unless I missed anything, basically.
Smeargle and Sudowoodo arn’t until the Battle Frontier where they always were before because I’m too lazy to bother moving them.
The Cover Legendaries and Mewtwo arn’t available because screw the player.
And Unown isn’t available because it’s alternate forms are…a useful resource…

I’ve finally hit a certain point and can reveal the new version mascot of Emerald Busters, I’ve had this idea since the start, so it’s kind of funny that it ended up getting implanted on DorjDay.

Usually when you get here in Emerald, you fight Rayquaza

However instead of Rayquaza, in Emerald Busters you’ll encounter this! I’llseeifIcanmakehimnotfloatinglater

He is entirely his own Pokémon, not just a reskin of Rayquaza.

Including his own Stat Spread [110/150/90/80/90/50]

He even has a backsprite. He also has an animation on his front sprite which I couldn’t capture because it’s too fast, and there is even a shiny Dorj if you’re stupid lucky!


I’m really hoping for a Dorj-themed title screen now…

Need to think about final names. Pokebusters: Dorj

What about Little Monsters: Dorj? (RitoMon for short)

The shiny Dorj reminds me a lot of Pusheen.


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You know literally all I need to do is like three sprites and it’s been that way for like a year.

I mean I also wanted to do another beta test playthough but the game is too hard and it takes too long to do that.

mega dorj when


Pre-sub-alfa version release then?

I would be down for play testing on emulator maybe. actually idk. but it might be fun

finish it nerd

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this could easily be my favorite thing

Umm, It’s just a little strange, but great work and idea. :smile:

@Kanon Emerald Busters release date at E3?


It’s done.

I also have no idea how to patch.

You want me to release a rom on Kaza?

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Pretty sure you just need something like Lunar IPS http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/240/
It takes the original ROM, and the modified one, and creates a patch from that. You can then use the same tool to apply it.
I thiiink it works on most things.

this looks amazing, did you finally finish this? are you planing to release the rom soon? i’d love to play it :fukowa:

It’s been finished for years longer than it’s been worked on and is slowly falling apart just from shit outright breaking overtime because who even knows, I’ve lost all the knowledge required to fix these things and the game is so obnoxiously hard that nobody will want to play it anyway.

@Aspirety can you just close this so it stops getting bumped every few months and I have to keep repeating myself.