Currently Airing Anime

I interpreted that as her trying to explain to Andou that you donā€™t actually die but instead just lose your powers and memories of powers.

Oh wait, was that already established? Damn I forgot about that, ahaha. I was hoping for a much more interesting explanation :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohā€¦ I thought it was just Trigger being Trigger, because for some reason I thought I had remembered hearing it was an original anime project. Well great, I guess I will have to read the LN.

The start of the Fall 2014 season was great. There were so many good shows that I still havenā€™t managed to watch all of the things Iā€™m interested in viewingā€¦ However a part of me says that it wonā€™t be a memorable season. It fell off towards the endā€¦
Still, the quality of the season overall was great, and I havenā€™t been invested in anime as much as I was this season since 2011, so it definitely had an impact.

As I mentioned above, there are still a whole bunch of shows Iā€™ve yet to pick up, all of which will be mentioned at the end of this post, and some of which Iā€™ll talk about in future. Luckily the Winter season looks awful, so Iā€™ll have time to catch up on all the good stuff~ For now though, letā€™s talk about the shows I did watch.

A quick reminder: I rounded up my thoughts on the last season and my thoughts on the state of shows mid-way through this season in a previous post. Check that out if you havenā€™t! I also summarized my thoughts on 2014 as a whole here. Contribute to the discussion!

Sora no Method was a show that I never actually finished, and have no real interest in revisiting at this point in time. I dropped the show after 6 episodes for many reasons. The characters werenā€™t very likable. They had motives, and their actions were understandable, but it wasnā€™t entertaining. As Iā€™ve watched a lot of drama (in anime form as well as live action) I have a big rule when it comes to drama-based stories: If the conflict could be solved by talking, but the characters refuse to talk, then the drama in your show is just annoying. This is Sora no Method in a nutshell.
Not only are the characters unlikeable and the drama infuriating, but the show constantly attempts to create tearjerking scenes where they have no place to be. Forcing an emotional connection and repeatedly failing at it is a surefire way to ruin a story. The show lacked patience where it counted, and then dragged out conflicts across episodes that could (and should) have been resolved in a single episode.
I donā€™t know if the writers simply struggled with the anime format or something, but it really wasnā€™t good.
Considering this is the first anime that studio 3Hz has created I have to give them props. The animation and the soundtrack were great. Unfortunately those are the two things I care least about in the media I consume, so it doesnā€™t mean anything. The character design was good from a visual standpoint, but personality-wise it was just bad.
So yeah, Iā€™m sorry to say this, but I donā€™t think SnM is worth watching.

Chaika: The Coffin Princess - AVENGING BATTLE is one of the many fantasy anime that aired this season, and while I loved it a lot, I donā€™t think it stood out amongst the crowd. Chaika is a good DnD-style story. The cast is funny and interesting, and they all interact with each other well. The enemies are seemingly untouchableā€¦ until you get a lucky roll. Traps and convenient events hold your party back. The ideas of good and evil are just small parts of the alignment system. These are all things that are fun to watch. Unfortunately, maybe due to a low budget or the limited amount of episodes the writers and directors had to work with, the ending throws all of these things out of the window. The story becomes black and white, the wide range of well-developed characters are left to the sidelines, and the conflictā€¦ is forgotten.
For the most part AVENGING BATTLE was fun to watch, and if you pair it with the first season then I recommend watching it, but donā€™t expect a fulfilling conclusion.
Well, thereā€™s always the manga!
You can get a full-ish review of AVENGING, with a look at what the series did correctly, over at RRA, or if you prefer to see specific review scores you can go to Anime-Planet.

Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works was very good. I fully advocate the Ufotable over-hype. With UBW, they got a story I strongly disliked for many years, and made me enjoy every second of it. They also made me say wow to animation, which is no small feat. I care about animation almost as much as I care about the wellbeing of someone pointing a gun at me. HELP ME
As someone who hated the VN, but loved everything else about the Fate franchise (apart from maybe Extra) Ufotableā€™s UBW was the greatest gift I could ask for. I can only hope they somehow get their hands on Rewrite in future.
Now if only the BDs didnā€™t cost more than everything I own put togetherā€¦
I wonā€™t say anything about the story because my opinions on it will get me exiled from the internet, but anyone who hasnā€™t seen it will probably pick it up eventually anyway.

I canā€™t talk about Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete without going into a frenzy of typing, so instead of taking up lots of spaceā€¦ if you want to read that, you can check at my review at either RRA or Anime-Planet.
TL;DR - AOTS and ED of the season.

I dropped Nanatsu no Taizai at episode 3 and have had no motivation to keep watching it any further. It could be a bunch of fun, but thereā€™s better stuff to spend my time on.

Trinity Seven isā€¦ Yeah, I have nothing to say about T7. I have every right to hate it, but every episode was fun and enjoyable. I still need to watch the last episode, but finding time for it is hardā€¦ (This is why I hate fan-service in anime! When am I supposed to have time to watch this stuff?) Iā€™ll give T7 a score when I watch the final episode!
Iā€™m expecting it to just end the arc, after which I can move onto the manga I guess? I doubt I willā€¦
I generally save Manga for stuff like Bokura no Hentai, Wandering Son, or Kodomo no Jikanā€¦ Anime is my platform for male-oriented media. Manga for female-oriented. I think DMWL and TWGOK are the only exceptions to this.

ALL I WANNA BE IS MEEEEEE commence head-banging.
Shingeki no Bahamut started off really strong. The characters were introduced as slightly trope-y people who werenā€™t afraid to go against the viewerā€™s expectation. A beautifully animated world full of bounties, conflicts and adventuresā€¦ and then it slowly settled into mediocrity.
The characters, while incredibly undeveloped, were fun to watch. The episodes, while rushed, were exciting. The story, while unoriginal, was fun to speculate about. The show didnā€™t get enough time to blossom, which I guess is expected of a show funded by a mobile automated card gameā€¦ but still.
I think SnB suffers a lot from the same problem as Zankyou no Terror did. It tries to be smart, and then only really gets half-way there before dumbing it down or giving up. It has cool ideas for twists and surprises, but never executes them very well.
The show still had a very strong start though, and the intelligently written opening song is my OP of the season, so Iā€™m going to be kind with it and say that the show is above average. I even recommend watching it. Crazy, right?
No seriously, itā€™s a good show, it just suffered a bit due to itā€™s limited number of episodes. Youā€™ll probably still love it. If youā€™ve played the game you get to spot a bunch of nice little references too! Unless you main God cardsā€¦ Then you get likeā€¦ Bacchus and Hamsaā€¦ or Michaelā€¦ Not even a single Miku reference ;~;

SAO II: Mothers Rosario is where SAO starts to not be terrible.
You know, I tend to hate the SAO anime fans because they are unaware of the direction SAO is taking and just want a long series focusing on nothing but Aincrad, but thatā€™s understandable considering the first season of SAO stretched the Aincrad arc out waaay further than it should have been, and Iā€™ve read the books so I know more than I usually would about an anime. All that, and .Hack is better
Due to all that, I judge the anime very harshly. So harshly in fact, that Iā€™m going to ignore GGO even existed (keep it as a book) and move onto MR. MR actually benefited from being an anime in some ways. We lose the inner monologue which makes some scenes appear to be completely random or just strange, but the improvements the visuals bring balance it out. Considering I completely lack the ability to visualize while reading (a big reason of why I think books are dreadful as a form of entertainment) these are big things for me.
So the adaption process wasnā€™t bad. What was bad isā€¦ how the story connects to the viewer. Iā€™m sure lots of people felt connected or something, but to a narcissistic white teenage male who has lived mostly without conflict, this stuff was just boring and melodramaticā€¦ Thatā€™s a minority opinion though. Motherā€™s Rosario has every right to be praised in the way that SAO was originally. Not my type, but it is good nevertheless.
Now bring on Alicization! I want to see those first two books adapted! (The rest are rubbish. Forget about them.)
I wonā€™t rate it due to the bias formed by knowledge of the source material.

Later Iā€™ll talk about the 2+ cour shows that are continuing to air through the next season. Thereā€™s some good ones!
Parasyte -the maxim-
Tribe Cool Crew
Akatsuki no Yona

I might bring up the shows I still want to watch too:
Cross Ange
Girl Friend Beta
Hi-sCool! Seha Girls
Laughing Under the Clouds
Lord Marksman and Vanadis
When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru

[quote=ā€œTakafumi, post:84, topic:28ā€]
SAO II: Mothers Rosario
[/quote]I was about ready to say, "Ok Motherā€™s Rosario, you just made SAO look good again. Finally ready to get some more characterization on Asunaā€¦ and the writer just has to come in and screw things up with his bullshit again. I should have been expecting it. Itā€™s happened every single arc. Its always a good story up to a certain point, and then at that point all ā€œgood writingā€ gets thrown out the window and the story just becomes a cop-out. This arc it was Asunaā€™s character again. At least in the Aincrad arc, her relationship with Kirito supposedly developed over like 2 years or something, despite the major time skips. This time she was just like, ā€œI LOVE YOU GIRL I MET 3 DAYS AGO.ā€ Insert some bullshit about AIDS. Insert some bullshit about friendship. Insert some bullshit about just about every player being logged on at once, and every player caring about just one other girl dying of a widespread disease. OH and insert some bullshit, look-forward-to-next-season ending.

And with all that said, I will continue to watch, and probably read the LNs at some point. Because despite all the bullshit, I still think the original concept was interesting, the music is great, even if its just standard Kajiura, and it is a somehow enjoyable watch.

[quote=ā€œTakafumi, post:84, topic:28ā€]
Girl Friend Beta
[/quote]Please donā€™t even force yourself to watch one episode of this.

[quote=ā€œTakafumi, post:84, topic:28ā€]
[/quote]Its interesting because its an anime about making anime, but its also kinda boring and at times hard to follow.

[quote=ā€œTakafumi, post:84, topic:28ā€]
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru
[/quote]Tons of people say this was the surprise great show of the season. Personally, while it was kinda enjoyable, I was expecting just about every turn, even the climax, and then the ending was a cop-out. I donā€™t know if you know what the show is actually about, but let me just say Madoka was much better. Here, Iā€™ll even explian it all right here if you donā€™t want to watch it: Basically, ā€œoh look, weā€™re magical girlsā€; then at least half the show is spent pandering around fighting Vertexes and doing club stuff; then dramatic realizations starting with omg weā€™re losing body functions, and ending with omg the world outside the wall is literal hell and weā€™re gonna be fighting for eternity. Then, "I know, Iā€™ll just destroy the world to stop the suffering. Then some friendship bullshit, some healing bullshit, and some everything-is-daijoubu-happily-ever-after bullshit. The end. And the worse part is the main character is completely empty. Like all the complaints people have about Madokaā€™s character times 10.

So there you go, you got two rants in one post.

Thatā€™ll be a problem with the anime I think. I never got the impression that they only knew each other for 3 days. In fact, I think itā€™s mentioned at one point that weeks have passedā€¦ Maybe not though~ I donā€™t know much about MR.

It grabbed my attention~ Canā€™t judge it without watching it.

Oh godā€¦ I hated Madoka.

Well thats good, Iike I said, Iā€™ve been meaning to read the LNs, whether its to actually enjoy them as better than the anime, or just see if the source material is just as screwed up.

[quote=ā€œTakafumi, post:86, topic:28ā€]
t grabbed my attention~ Canā€™t judge it without watching it.
[/quote]I know, it grabbed my attention too. Then I couldnā€™t even stand to sit through the entire first episode it was so bad.

[quote=ā€œTakafumi, post:86, topic:28ā€]
Oh godā€¦ I hated Madoka.
[/quote]I remembered that. Thatā€™s why I was trying to warn you. Because I knew if I thought it was just ehh comparatively, you were probably gonna despise it. Though who knows, that actually might mean youā€™ll like it more. Itā€™s certainly not exactly like Madoka, I just see a bunch of similarites.

So I recently watched Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise. And I quite liked it.
Knowing whoā€™s on the staff was enough to get me interested right away (Urobuchi and KugiRie FTW!). It wasnā€™t as deep and sinister as I expected it to be, but it still got the viewer thinking about stuff like the concept of humanity. The voice actors of the main cast did a wonderful job. Iā€™m really glad I got to see (/hear?) Kugimiya Rie in Tsundere Queen mode again ^^. Overall, the movie wasnā€™t mind-blowing, but definitely enjoyable.

Did anyone else watch it?

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I watched Expelled from Paradise as well. I thought it was pretty good maybe not as good as other stuff written by Urobuchi but still very enjoyable. My biggest surprise was how good the cg actually looked it managed to not be a distraction throughout the entire movie.

Soā€¦ anybody watching Saenai Heroine this season? It seems to be the only new show of interest. Written by the same writer as White Album 2, as well.
Though reviews have said that Episode 0 is prettyā€¦ random. I havenā€™t watched it yet, though, as I am still downloading it (Internet is being uncooperative tonight)

On that note, any other recommendations? I prefer romance/drama shows but it seems to be a pretty lackluster season in that regard, so anything with a good story will do

I watched episode 0 a couple days ago. Gonna write some full thoughts on the current season tomorrow since I have the whole day to spare~

The basic things I have to say about it are:
The premise of the show is very interesting. Episode 0 looks to be set in the future, and the series will show how they got there, and what happens afterā€¦ I think.
The cast of the show is pretty great. Three of the four characters are the staple female tropes I like (Deadpan normal girl, musical tomboy, and cool black-haired red-eyed girl.) Thereā€™s a Michiru clone in it if you like her for some reason.
Episode 0 starts off by employing bad writing techniques that pander to the otaku audience and then pointing them out for humor. Itā€™s ā€œmetaā€ and I think thatā€™s just an annoying excuse to be bad, but Iā€™m Taka, so ignore my complaining.
The MC is voiced by Yoshitsugu, so itā€™s gonna be a harem.
While it is the same writer as White Album 2, you should not think of that at all going into this show. Itā€™s a deconstruction of harem stories, of which the writer is very experienced with. (I think I remember hearing he intended to half the age of his usual target audience when writing thisā€¦ so @Purple will love it.)

This season there isnā€™t much in the way of Romance/Drama, but, and hopefully we wonā€™t go too off topic, there are lots of good old ones. Some of my recent-ish favorites (2006+) are H20, KimiKiss, We Without Wings, HanTsuki, and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia.
I generally prefer the even older ones though. Voices of a Distant Star, Ocean Waves, Honey and Clover, Koi Kaze, Oniisama e, and to some degree Green Legend Ran.

Oh, and Cross Game is pretty good if youā€™re okay with lots of episodes.

I havent got to watching anything from this season yet, so I can let you know about some others later, but really the only other show Iā€™m excited for this season is Death Parade. I donā€™t know if you ever saw the Anime Mirai short Death Billiards, but I really liked it, and Death Parade is a one cour adaptation (continuation?) of it.

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Okay so I just finished episode 0 of Saenai Heroine and it is, wellā€¦ so-bad-itā€™s-good.

To anyone planning to watch it, I highly suggest that you watch Saenai-subs. It made it 10x funnier than it actually was. Youā€™ll see why when you watch it :stuck_out_tongue:

BUT! I have high hopes for the chemistry between MC and Kato-chan~ And from the plot burbs Iā€™ve read on wikipedia, their relationship seems to be more interesting than they make it seem from Episode 0. I guess thereā€™s a reason why the English title is ā€œSaekano: How to raise a boring girlfriendā€

i came out here to have a good time and am honestly feeling so attacked right now


Oh yay, Winter 2015! Surely this is the best season of anime weā€™ve seen in years!
Seriously though, I hope the rest of 2015 is better than thisā€¦ I donā€™t want it to go back to 2012 levels of quality x.x

First, the stuff continuing from last season!

Akatsuki no Yona is what many viewers consider underrated. Iā€™m honestly not sure if thatā€™s trueā€¦ I think thereā€™s a lot of people watching the show but not talking about it, because there isnā€™t much to discuss right now. The series is great though, and it manages to take a clichĆ© scenario and reinvigorate it with new life. Itā€™s an interesting fantasy story set in a world similar to that of Fire Emblem or Utawarerumono. Currently the story is all about picking up new characters and piecing the main cast together, and so far every single one of the characters have been well-developed. Look out for feels, because they are here.
This show is a Shoujo, so a lot of the staple Shoujo tropes are thereā€¦ but they are done really well. The male characters are fairly idolized for the viewers, but the female protagonist gets the same treatment. The comedy of the show (which is also very Shoujo-ey) is hilarious. It can be mood-breaking at times, but it fits with the pacing usually.
I hear the show is really well adapted from itā€™s manga source, so thatā€™s a positive as well!
If you are looking for a nice adventure story, or you like shows with a cast that works well together, then start watching Yona!

Parasyte had a really strong start. It was definitely looking like a contender for AOTSā€¦ but due to the nature of the show, the direction of the story is very uncertain. As it is now, the show is very different from how it was at the beginningā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a good thing or not. Time will tell.
The most interesting thing about this show is that it is from an 80ā€™s manga. This anime is both an adaption and an update of sorts. There are changes, some big; some small, to make the story more likely to appeal to todayā€™s audience. Iā€™ve checked out both, and I think both are really really good. The manga definitely feels dated, but I like that stuff. I can imagine it bothering others though. The anime mostly feels like the type of anime youā€™d expect nowadays, but it changes the development of the protagonist quite a bit.
The one thing I want to focus on is the character design. I love Muranoā€™s manga design which was more tomboy-ish than the anime version, but the anime version is really brought to life by HanaKana. Both versions of Kana are beautiful, but the manga version definitely looks like a person living in the late 80ā€™s/early 90ā€™s. As for Shinichi, the anime chooses to give him glasses which really makes him look like a normal innocent boy. In the manga he pretty much looks like a cool action protagonist from the start.
For a comparison of the two styles, and a look at the amazing OP, check out this video.
Speaking of the OP, I have to say that I was honestly expecting it to be the OP of this seasonā€¦ Then Tokyo Ghoul came back. I was a fan of Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas (the band, not the book or movie) some years ago PES 2012 anyone? No? Okayā€¦ and I liked the Gokukoku no Brynhildr song, but recently something about their music has just beenā€¦ bad. Itā€™s really been rectified with this song though. The TV size is great, but the full version is all the gloriousness youā€™d expect. Itā€™s insane!
So yeah, I really like this show, but Iā€™m not sure I enjoy it as much as I used to. Give it a watch nevertheless. Iā€™ve been recommending it to friends.

Your lie in April is a show I want to appreciate but canā€™t. I was first hooked in when I heard Goosehouse did the OP. I looooove Goosehouse! Buuutā€¦ I donā€™t like the song they did for this. It doesnā€™t help that they played it OVER AND OVER in the first episode! Ugh, annoyingā€¦ I think I just prefer their covers and seeing them all cheerful, you know? The second OP came out recently and I adore it! Gonna have to check who sings it because I havenā€™t had time to look yet.
This might seem like rambling, but itā€™s not! See, the show is about music! Specifically classicalā€¦ a genre I know very little about and donā€™t really like. A lot of the showā€™s meaning is lost on me. The struggles of the characters, the atmosphere building, the pressure that is put on everyoneā€¦ I hear all of those things exist in this story, but I canā€™t see them. The show is very fun to watch, and I like the characters Emi and Hiroko woo! but Iā€™m definitely missing what the core of the story is, and thatā€™s down to it being a show about something that was never really part of my life.
Still, give it a try. Youā€™ll probably like it.

Tribe Cool Crew is a show thatā€¦ hang on a minuteā€¦ KUUURUUU KUURUUU. God I love that name. So cute!
So yeah, Toraibu Kuru Kuru is a show that shouldnā€™t be so entertaining. Every week I watch an episode, fangirl over it like hell, and then a couple days pass and I think ā€œwhy on earth would I watch another episode of that?ā€
This is largely due to how the anime is set out. I like to think of the show as 2 different shows. The first is a beautifully animated and stylized show that really develops itā€™s cast and makes you enjoy every second you watch. The second isā€¦ this
The first is really good. I havenā€™t liked a cast of characters this much in a long time. Kanon, a shy girl who doesnā€™t feel like a trope somehow, develops really well. Haneru, a stuck up brat similar to Kamui of CF:V, actually starts to listen to peopleā€¦ which is unbelievable in my mind. It might seem like a kids show, but the majority of the show is the quality youā€™d expect from Sunrise (Cowboy Bebop, Gundam, Tiger & Bunny, Code Geassā€¦ letā€™s just pretend Cross Ange doesnā€™t exist.)

The second is ugly and distracting and justā€¦ badā€¦ but the hype from the good parts of the show kind of makes itā€™s all okay. It used to bother me a lot, but I think Iā€™m getting used to it.
So with the elephant out of the room, I can say that I recommend this show to anyone who isnā€™t too picky or anyone who likes dancing.
I wrote more about the show in my summary of 2014.

Now then, the new showsā€¦ This season is the season of generic fantasy harem shows, and you know what? Iā€™M GONNA WATCH 'EM ALL! HAHAHAHA! Everything else is bad ._. At least you know that generic fantasy harem number 283 isnā€™t gonna be bad - itā€™s just not going to be good.
So what shows am I watching?

Absolute Duo is arguably the most promising of the harems. First of all, it starts with this. I swear the little jingle that goes along with this was at the start of every good show I watched as a child. Thatā€™s not all though! Look at the cast!
The good character from 11eyes (yes there was one!)
A blond who is probably tsundere
Date a Liveā€™s best girl
No one watched Noucome, just put Oka in a bunny costume
Why isnā€™t he dead yet? (I HATE YOU BYAKUYA!)
Easily the best character
Oh right, and the protagonist is
If thatā€™s not a winning combination I donā€™t know what is. So yeah, itā€™s nice to have Mahouka back.
ED of the season? I think so.
Oh, and if youā€™re wondering why those screenshots are so ugly, apparently no one uploaded a hd version of the OP to Youtube. I might be lazy for not dling an episode, but they are lazy for not doing something that some random kid on the internet unknowingly expects of them! cough sorryā€¦

Juuou Mujin no Fafnir isā€¦ which one is this again? They all kinda blur together. Right, this is the one that is the worst of the bunch right now! Totally unoriginal premise, that followed every single trope it could. Iā€™m gonna watch it, but I donā€™t expect anything at allā€¦ It might even be bad!

Iā€™ve gotta say, Iā€™m kinda sad that The Testament of Sister New Devil isnā€™t SoL. I know itā€™s gonna devolve into typical harem stuff, but this first episode was pretty heartwarming. For now, I want to see how this family develops. I donā€™t really like any of the characters so far aside from the protagā€¦ but they made it work. There were some beautiful moments in the first episode, and I hope those stay consistent. I heard some bad things about the studio in charge, but I didnā€™t watch the Twintail thing, so Iā€™unno.

Seiken Tsukai no World Break is such an amazing idea! Itā€™ll be a same to see it squandered onā€¦ this. There were some nice moments, and Iā€™ll probably enjoy the show for a while, but if that early foreshadowing is anything to go by, Iā€™ll lose interest along the way. Not impressed with the visual designs btw. The main character looks stupid, andā€¦ whatā€™s wrong with their eyes? Look at them!
Note: Taka could not find any good screenshots in a single google search, so there is no actual image of eyes here.

Tokyo Ghoul is back with āˆšA! Or root A! Or route A! Or root Aogiri! Orā€¦ letā€™s just move on.
I loved the first season, and I think Iā€™m gonna love this one. Ready for heartbreak </3 After this, the manga! Woooooo~!
Iā€™m happy to say that Tokyo Ghoul has reclaimed itā€™s title of OP of the season with a beautiful yet melancholic song. The first seasonā€™s OP was energetic! It was screaming! Angry! Confused! Now we have a quiet whimpering melodyā€¦ Itā€™s slightly broken. It canā€™t seem to hold itā€™s self togetherā€¦ Itā€™s beautiful. All of the misery and pain that I expect from this series has been embodied into this opening song, and I shall listen to such a beautiful tragedy on loop for the next 4 or 5 months!
Iā€™ve actually seen the new OP get a lot of hate, which surprises me. If you donā€™t like it right now, youā€™ll probably either get used to it soon, or youā€™ll prefer to listen to PelleKā€™s cover which seems to be popular (I hate the guyā€™s stuff myself, but hey, we all have our tastes. I can support him if people like him.)

Aldnoah Zero kinda ended on a whimper for me. My interest in the show started to decline within the last two episodes, and by the end I just didnā€™t really care anymore. Iā€™m hoping this new season grabs my attention, but itā€™s not looking too good. Of the characters I like, one has a big death flag (Inko plz! ;~;) and the other has started to be a bit too selfish for my likingā€¦ Canā€™t blame him though >>
Soundtrack isnā€™t impressing me much nowā€¦ not sure what happened there. Still, it looks like protag-kun might provide some intrigue.

Death Parade is a show that Iā€™m most likely going to drop. The idea of the show doesnā€™t interest me, and Iā€™m not to fond of the characters weā€™ve seen so far. I spent a bit of time thinking about the first episode and all of the events that happened during itā€¦ but I donā€™t think I had fun doing so. Honestly, I only picked this show up because itā€™s set in a bar, and generally shows set in a bar have a nice cast.

So what are you guys watching this season?


For like the past 2 years, every time a new season began, I was like ā€œUh, thereā€™s barely any shows Iā€™d like to watchā€¦ā€, and then Iā€™d end up picking up a lot of anime after giving them a chance. My criteria for new shows arenā€™t particularly strict, you know. But it really doesnā€™t look good for this season.

Iā€™ll continue watching Parasyte. Itā€™s quite interesting and while Iā€™m still not sure where itā€™s going or how itā€™s gonna end, I have yet to find anything I dislike about it.

As for Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your lie in April), I was planning on watching it in one go once itā€™s completed, but seeing as thereā€™s not much to watch this season, I might get started with it rather soon.

Not sure how Iā€™ll handle Tokyo Ghoul. I read the manga after season 1 finished. Considering that the show only got good at the last episode of season 1, I definitely donā€™t like where this is going now. I didnā€™t like the first episode of this season.

And then thereā€™s Nanatsu no Taizai and Log Horizon 2, which Iā€™m watching for no particular reason. The latter got so boring last season, thoughā€¦

Now for the actually new showsā€¦

Absolute duo - hilarious introduction, Taka. I laughed particularly hard at

[quote=ā€œTakafumi, post:95, topic:28ā€]
Oh right, and the protagonist is
And yes, Oka in bunny costume describes that sensei well enough. (I did watch Noucome, but Iā€™m not exactly proud of itā€¦)
Well then, Absolute Duo seems like the least bad harem this season and some characters seem kinda fun, so I guess Iā€™ll keep watching it.

Ansatsu Kyoushitsu - the manga is fun, so why not. Gonna watch and enjoy this.

Durarara!!x2 Shou - Dunno how itā€™ll turn out, but itā€™s almost guaranteed to become the best anime of this season due to lack of competition. I loved the first season. The characters are just so diverse and interesting.

Death Parade - correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but judging from the impression I got from the first episode, isnā€™t every next episode going to be just another variation of the first episode, only with new characters and personal backgrounds? If so, I donā€™t really see the point in watching it. But I might be mistaken.

Aldnoah.Zero S2 - not touching this due to not liking season 1, obviously.

Juuou Mujin no Fafnir - very unimpressive first episode. Might drop depending on the next one.
And surely, Iā€™m not the only one here who thinks that ā€œDā€ is a very bad name choice for a girl-only superpower? xD

Saenai Heroine no Sodate-kata - also an unimpressive first episode. The silent girl seems like the only likeable character so far. Knowing that itā€™s from the WA2 author is making my alarm bells ring. But I wonā€™t know if itā€™s any good if I donā€™t watch it myself, since I canā€™t rely on other peopleā€™s opinions in this particular caseā€¦ tough decisionā€¦

Seiken Tsukai no World Break - Iā€™m agreeing with Takafumi here. The concept is wasted on this. Similarly, thereā€™s only one character (Shizuno) that seems interesting to me.

Shinmai Maou no Testament - fanservice ruins everything. Iā€™m growing more tolerant to fanservice the more anime I watch, but this is definitely too much. I tried reading the manga not too long ago, so knowing that the amount of fanservice will be the sameā€¦ yea, Iā€™m staying away from this

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes TD - I did say I wouldnā€™t doubt J.C. Staff ever againā€¦ but this is definitely not my kind of show -_-

ā€¦this is quite the sad impression of the new season =(

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Judging from the preview of the next episode, itā€™ll focus on the development of a new staff member who I think is human. Or more human than the others. So it looks to be a show about how you become acclimated to judging if people live or die.

At least weā€™ll probably get a backstory episode on her soon. The synopsis of the show kinda spoiled things for me I thinkā€¦

Ugh, and the family stuff was so well done! Some of the fanservice didnā€™t even make sense!

Ummā€¦ did you try the other seasons first at least? ^^; I donā€™t like the show, but I know itā€™s popular, and I know the characters from CF:V and the VAs from Danny Chooā€™s show. If CF:V is targeted at boys, then Tantei Opera is the female equivalent.

You couldnā€™t be any more right with this. Theyā€™re both pretty much managed by Bushiroad, so they are pretty much somewhat closely related. But, as we all know, a female target demographic doesnā€™t stop adult males from enjoying it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I donā€™t even know what those shortcuts mean, so yea, Iā€™m new toā€¦ the stuff youā€™re talking about. I might look into it eventuallyā€¦

Wait a sec, doesnā€™t the plot of Seiken Tsukai no World Break seem reallyā€¦ Chuunibyou-like? Not the kind where you have a chuuni character and the show (mostly comedy) is centered around how funny that character behaves, but actual chuuni-like plot? Heroes, past lives, reincarnations?

Bushiroad adverts are the best. HYYYYPE.

Childrenā€™s TV shows basically :stuck_out_tongue:

Falls asleep, has dreams of singlehandedly destroying armies in order to protect a damsel in distressā€¦ Very. Reminds me of We Without Wings.