CLANNAD Physical Edition to be released DRM-free!

Good news for Physical tier backers of the CLANNAD English Release Kickstarter! Recently, there was controversy surrounding VisualArt's decision to release the Physical Edition with a CD-check mechanism. In Japan, this practice is standard among VisualArt's releases, so it makes sense that they'd wish to do so for this release

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I dont even see a reason for people to complain about this. It is something Key has always done and nothing really to worry about, unless you want to do illegal stuff with it. If you buy it on steam it isnt DRM free either, just your user can download it on steam.

There was literally no reason to be disappointed.

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I wouldn’t say that. It’s an industry standard in the west now to not have CD-checks; they’re quite inconvenient if you find yourself changing discs a lot. I can see why people would be disappointed.

Of course it can be annoying, but if you dont like CDs, then you should get a digital release. I really dont think it is much of a problem in most cases. And I am actually mad, that people were thinking of canceling their pledges because of that, because what the most important thing you do with your pledge is supporting the project.


I never knew they stopped having those checks on discs. It was always something to expect. You wanna use it? You put the disc in. Standard. If you didn’t like that you’d go digital.

To me it doesn’t matter either way, the only problem is sometimes I lend my friends VNs and it’s nice if they can return them after its installed as opposed to holding on to them until they finish the game…

Yeah I do feel like complaining about drm is a bit silly. I actually kind of like drm disc cause then I actaully can enjoy the box/cd case/cd when I take it out to play it lol. DRM can be annoying but I feel that if you are getting the physical… you don’t care about just playing the game. I mean even if they did put it in those hacker guys would break it so I can see why maybe its okay not to have it.

Sooo there are people who actually demand refunds because of this announcement? I’m personally not a fan of disk-check since my DVD drive is old and bad, and taking out the CD from the box and put it in DVROM and put it back again in the box, that’s way too inconvenient and possibly harmful to the disk. You bet there’s gonna be a lot of scratches on the disk. That’s why some people sometimes buy two set of the physical release, one for playing and one merely for collection.

But yeah, since we have Steam, I only buy the physical release for collection. Not opening 'em. I’ll play the digital version, that’s enough.

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i dont want it to be DRM - free. i feel like its still a digital game not physical released

Nothing’s stopping anyone from putting the disc in when you want to play it. You don’t need DRM to pretend your PC is an old console.

I’m a bit confused on why anybody would want themselves and others to be legally forced to do so each and every time you want to play the game though.

I’m opposed to DRM. Even so, I wouldn’t ask for a refund because of the CD-checking kind of DRM. (That’s easy to get around on PC anyway, even if you’re not great with computers.)

Anyway, I suspect the people who were demanding refunds had a not-insignificant influence on the decision to go DRM-free. (Money talks. BS walks.) In other words, I owe them (however petty their actions may have seemed) my thanks. Now I don’t have to introduce any additional risk to my (potentially irreplaceable) Clannad disc each time I want to play it.

Also, some computers don’t have disc drives built-in, so an external drive would need to be used on such setups. People who believed they’d only need to use one once – at install time – had ample reason to want a refund. Digital might not work either; not everybody agrees with or wants to/can use Steam.

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If you don’t have a disc drive, I see no reason to buy physical aside from presentation-purposes.
There’s nothing wrong with them removing drm, but there’s nothing wrong with including it either. If you’re going physical, you may as well get some use out of it.

Haha, well it wouldn’t be applicable to the majority of people anyway. xP

I wouldn’t say there’s no reason aside from presentation-purposes though. As I pointed out above, some people would prefer to avoid Steam (since that would be required for the digital edition but not the physical edition IIRC) if at all possible, even if they don’t have a disc drive built-in to their computer.

In such cases they could either use an external disc drive to do the initial install, or perhaps copy the files off disc to a thumb drive using a separate computer (for example) then do the install from the thumb drive, once.