CLANNAD Official English Kickstarter Production Update 10

Seems like this might be the last Kickstarter update before the first wave of physical rewards finally ship, as the physical box of CLANNAD has finished production! Now all that's left is to prep and to ship.

If you'll recall from a few updates ago, Sekai Project plans to ship

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A bit sad how I missed out on the opportunity to grab myself a physical copy. Is there any possibility out there that the physical copy will be released to the public?

It’ll be pretty tough… Sekai Project has promised absolutely nothing in that regard. Don’t keep your hopes up, but there might still be a possibility!

Otherwise, there’s always ebay

Looked through the kick starter and yeah, that’s fair enough.

But man, regret is hitting me too hard for not becoming a backer

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Finger’s crossed the delay is worth it.

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