CLANNAD - Kyou Fujibayashi Route & Character Discussion

This is where our opinions differ. Remember that white disclaimer “this story is fictional and in no way is related to people in real life…”. Writers make their story on guesses, how the character will react in that situation, everything is their imagination. We the readers are who decide if it’s believable or not. To me this is not, too much exaggerated drama, unnecessary choices. Where someone else will call it a complex story built on emotions i call it a mess.

I think i mentioned it in my post but maybe i was too blunt. Yes she was mature and the end is where the story stops being stupid. I only complained that her change was sudden but not unwelcome and by this time she had seen enough to make this decision and actually show growth.
It’s just the mess all three of them cause before is just unbelievable and honestly i knew from the start that i won’t fully like this route.

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That’s… not what that sentence means.

It doesn’t mean that the entire premise is fictional, it’s a legal insurance against anyone who may think this is targeting someone or a group specifically to avoid lawsuits (especially since this sentence appears at the start of the game and not at the start of the route). It’s the difference between that and when a story is “based on real facts”, but it doesn’t actually address the authenticity of the characters in the way they’re written in any way, shape, or form.

I’ll agree with Hayate here because it’s important to remember that these are just teenage kids: yes, they’re dramatic. Pretty much everyone is in high school. Look no further than your typical “teenage romance” and you’ll find examples of ridiculous love triangles (that honestly aren’t worth it) even in real life, and sometimes with much more dramatic outcomes than in CLANNAD. It’s the reason why teenagers are the characters in story like these because they’re still immature enough to make the plot work in a cohesive manner, where adults wouldn’t be able to.

It’s a very heavy matter of having either experienced or witnessed it to truly understand, but while disliking it is one thing, discrediting it is yet another and not a very fair one.

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I know that sentence is to avoid legal lawsuits. It’s the fictional part that i tried to get at. Not everything is fiction but most part of the story is, it’s writers imagination, at least that is what i get from it. And that was what i was trying to tell, it’s just a bad example.

Did i discredit it? All the things i’ve mentioned are the reasons why i dislike this route. I feel it’s too much drama, i feel tomoya is pathetic. I believe everyone is an idiot beside sunohara. These are all reasons why i dislike it. Teenagers behaving in a way that i don’t believe they would, i guess it’s kinda discrediting but i have yet to see such complicated shit, if it really is hard for me to believe then it is something i dislike rather than something I’m trying to discredit.

Writers don’t have personality disorders, though. The fictional aspect of the story only refers to the tropes of the Japanese media genre, and you CANNOT say thay CLANNAD is a fictional work that doesn’t actually know how to write realistic characters when that is literally its selling point and what makes it the most popular VN in existence.

And yes, it’s discrediting. Your belief is a belief, but it is not knowledge. You may dislike it and find that behaviour stupid from on a logical standpoint of an adult, but it’s fundamentally impossible for you to prove that teenagers wouldn’t act that way, so affirming that it’s not beliavable and henceforth is “just the writer’s imagination” is kinda insulting their ability to write people and not characters. How do I know? I’ve gone through the same shit in my own adolescence, so much that I found Kyou’s route to be one of the routes I relate to the most in the entire novel, and I have experience with writing as well.

Personal experience and beliefs are the basis of a lot of things, but just because it’s not something we can reason doesn’t automatically mean it wouldn’t happen or doesn’t make sense and that’s what makes or breaks an open mind.


So i see that the main thing here is here that i lack knowledge and experience, looking through my past it’s come to be true. Now when i read this post i do get how am i discrediting the people behind writing and now that i’ll never be able to explain my point without any experience of the real thing cause the only thing i have in this aspect is my intuition based on the people around mee. I’ll take back the believable part and leave it at that the behavior is not understandable or something i can relate to.