This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
First, dual-language support. Soon, all-language support!
muuussstttt reeesssiiisssttt…
EDIT: and play-asia even offering it for the UK
Meanwhile the English PSVita release remains forgotten
Cute poass case bonus on Ami Ami with Fuko
I wioll poke around and see what other preoder goodies they have
y’know, seeing all these titles getting more english releases while angel beats 1st beat is stuck at 50% for 3 years now… feels bad man.
It is now live to purchase on the US Playstation Store (digitally of course). Go get it if you wish.
For anyone who hasn’t bought it physically yet and wants to, the GEMATSU $3 off coupon should work for at least some of us on this website.
I just found out that cdjapan has a really pretty sticker of Kyou included… If they still have stock of it, that is
Sadly, I don’t have a PS4 so I’m just sitting in wait until they release the Vita version they announced years ago
Yay! Got my Japanese release PS4 physical copy today from Hong Kong. Can confirm it works perfectly well here in the UK with the English text although I won’t play it properly for a while yet. Great to hear the sound and music through big hi-fi speakers and see the picture on a big screen