Charlotte - Pre-Release Discussion & Speculation

So, not Sarah, but Sala. Damn transcript. Unfortunately for Pepe she doesn’t look so much like Iwasawa. But she’s not bad either. Adult woman and apparently blind. That’s interesting. Any case don’t you have these scans in higher resolution? It’s too small to read anything.

By the way, I have some bad news. This a little bit reduces the chances that Yusa will be voiced/singed by LiSA:

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Pandering “purefags” too much is not very good idea.


Dang XD Haha well, looks like Sala correction actually does have a face, which does imply that she will have a bigger role than I might have thought before, yeah.

So last time we had Brave Song and now Bravely You xP Who makes this stuff up haha.

ED title is interesting… Yake Ochinai Tsubasa… I guess an artistic translation would be “Burning Unfallen Wing” or something.

Bad news? More like good news. LiSA is the last person I’d want to voice Yusa


Yeah I’m kinda glad LiSA probably isn’t voicing Yusa. Between Charlotte and Angel Beats! the OP and ED are already the exact same people and the other singer we know of was in Angel Beats!. I’m not sure I just don’t like the idea of all the singers being the same.

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I thought the vocalist of ZHIEND would be a more stereotypical western.
Does she have a white cane? Is she blind?

Yeah, I agree.

I like so much Lia, Tada Aoi, marina and LiSA, but I’m a bit disappointed because Charlotte seems to be an Angel Beats! 2.0.

Seems like Charlotte has something to do with the wings. (I have no clue what would that be, but in the PV there were those white feathers falling)

Maybe it’s some kind of Angel Beats! meets AIR.

Even Angel Beats had wings tho :wink: Just look at “Tenshi”, heh


Don’t you know that Key kinda have obsession to wings? See Ayu’s backpack for one, then the whole theme for AIR, and although not officially released by Key, Hinoue did draw Nagisa with wings in one of her self-published work, “Hikari” as I posted here.

I don’t know the color scheme for Sala, but if she had white hair that’d be Makishima from Psycho-Pass…
Seriously I can’t shake the similarities off.

“It’s been announced that the English Princess’s name is Charlotte!
That’s [sha-lotto]!
Congratulations on the royal baby!
The 2nd of May, the same birthday as Kotarou Tennouji from Rewrite.”


Charlotte was actually related to Rewrite!?

What “Charlotte” we are talking about? XD

Charlotte isnt related to rewrite they were just saying the royal baby has the same birthday as the mc in rewrite.

Guys. All of you who are taking Kanon way to seriously. Stop. 95% of everything that comes out of his mouth is a joke. He will make it extremely clear if he is actually being serious.


A good way to tell is the usage of !? at the end of the sentence.
That is 100% used in a joking manner.


According to Google Translate I think the voice cast is being revealed tomorrow night (Japan time)


Holy, I am so excited for that.

I wonder how they’re going to do it. Probably just going to update their character pages but it would be cool if they redid that trailer but had voice cast over it as well.

ooooh boy oh boy oh boy~

It’s also supposed to be released in Dengeki G’s which we usually have a leak of right about now, but I guess nobody leaked the info this month, huh

Most likely just in the Dengeki G that’s out on that day as far as I know.