Charlotte - General Discussion

I just looked them up they are avaliable on the line app :fukowa:

Surprising since a lot of people didn’t like the execution, yet not as surprised considering this is Key.


Thats a pretty small sample size though… and only 193 out of 1479 people voted for it. Its not all that surprising to me that it could win something like that.


Also it was a Japanese poll. The show had an idol in it! Of course they’ll like it.


Tomori and Nishimori/Kurobane
Note - Is it just me, or does Yusa’s eye look wrong ?

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Bit too low quality for me to judge, but it looks fine to me. Maybe the perspective is throwing you for a loop?

The pillow is slightly uneven, so it looks a bit weird. The placement of the hair on the right of her face is also places in an unfortunate position, but the face is right.

The hair masks the curvature of the face, so there’s no indication that the face isn’t just too wide. Quick mockup to show you the idea…

The reason the eye becomes the focal point is that it is the last place where you can see the face. To fix this, they could have changed the angle she is facing up slightly, as shown in my mad mspaint edit:

Might as well post about it
Charlotte Blu-Ray and DVD
Release - January 27th
Volume - 5 (episodes 9&10


Don’t worry, we know, we’ve got an article lined up for launch :stuck_out_tongue:
Seriously that art looks great though

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This gets gayer every minute.

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So I just realized that I forgot to post pictures of the second Charlotte exhibit that was held in the anime center last month… Nobody really talked about it because well, to be honest, it wasn’t all that interesting xP

Be warned that this album has some late-series spoilers!

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Should Charlotte have a second season ?

Here are things that we still need answers to.

Tomori & Kazuki Backstory Why in the world did their mother sell them ? It was obviously shown that she cared for them and loved them. Was it possible that she was forced to sell them ? We don’t even see Tomori’s father.

In episode 7 We see Ayumi’s grave and all that, and we see a woman there, trying to tell Yuu to continue living and whatnot. Who was that ? I doubt that they were strangers, since this is a funeral. Could that have been the mother ?

Speaking of family, where the heck was Yuu’s parents ? We never saw the mother or the father.

In what Shunsuke told us (his backstory) he said how he had his friends erased the memories of him from Ayumi and Yuu. How did Yuu and Ayumi even survive, when it was clearly shown that the parents weren’t around.

In episode 13 for the last few moments Yu is shown in the hospital. Does he still have his powers. If he found out that he still had powers, wouldn’t he freak out and possibly cause a collapse ?

give Takajo and Yusa some backstory. They’re really “useless” characters in the show to be very honest.
Rating of importantness out of the characters

  1. Yuu Otosaka
  2. Nao Tomori
  3. Ayumi Otosaka
  4. Shunsuke
  5. Misa
  6. Courage-Chan
  7. Yusa Nishimori/Kurobane
  8. Takajo

In episode 13, there was Someone possessing Yuu. We don’t even know who it was

I haven’t watched Charlotte since the last episode but I don’t remember Yuu ever being possessed. I’m pretty sure we came to the conclusion that he was simply insane at the end because of all the mental stress he had from taking all the powers of the world in like a year or whatever.


Those are some pretty minor points that, in my opinion, don’t really need a resolution…

What DOES need a resolution is how did Yuu even know what happened in the alternate timeline where he and his family were captured by scientists??


“My ability is to take every object, everyone, every scene, everything I see with my eyes as I rewind to the past.” - Shunsuke Otosaka

Fortunately, Yuu from that timeline was directly in front of him when he leapt. So in some form or another, he took the experiences of the Yuu from there with him to the past, and they ended up slumbering in prime Yuu until they were awakened.

EVERYTHING. I think you missed the bigger ones.

Yes. It probably was.

Anime kids don’t need parents.

I didn’t think there was.

The girl with less screen-time than the friend of the girl that Yuu tried to hook up with at the start of the series?

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Yes. I don’t necessarily consider characters like “the friend” as important since in episode 1 All she did was further a “love” that wasn’t there to begin with.
Plus, she was more useful than half of the main cast members.

but at least the other cast members played BASEBALL BASEBALL AND MORE BASEBALL


New character drawing shown for the Charlotte OVA.
Since I took it from the mobile Twitter, I have no link for it

But you can find it by going into Twitter and searching up “@Charlotte_AB_”

Charlotte OVA, coming bundled with the last episode of Charlotte, on the 30th.

This character design, particularly, looks really really nice. Thanks, Na-Ga and P.A. Works

(I hope it will be a hilarious episode in the vein of the AB OVAs)

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