Charlotte - General Discussion

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Visual Arts posted some pics from their secret live show.
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What secret live show???

@Pepe subtly forgets the existence of a certain live show that a certain person wasn’t able to get tickets for


lol I wish I could have gone but too bad im on the other side or the Earth.

Some good news for people going to AFA in Singapore, looks like Charlotte is gonna be a featured anime there. They even have Maaya Uchida and Lia performing.

I guess this is more of Aniplex’s marketing and VisualArt’s isn’t involved, though

A post was merged into an existing topic: CLANNAD - General Discussion

Nice little tidbit, but marina and Maaya Uchida performed TRIGGER and Rakuen Made earlier at Animax Musix 2015 Yokohama. They even used clips from the anime for introduction! Specifically the beginning of the ZHIEND love from ep 8, then Yusarins Magic Spell from… Ep 3 was it?

Makes me happy I was able to see some charlotte live despite not getting into that secret live.

are these new or old?

Those are new. And really cute! Based Komowata

oh ok lol cause they looked similair to the previously released ones im not sure if this is regional locked though.

Possibly not! The last one was by aniplex which are a bunch of assholes but this is in the same vein as the clannad and abow stickers :kurumu:

I just looked them up they are avaliable on the line app :fukowa:

Surprising since a lot of people didn’t like the execution, yet not as surprised considering this is Key.


Thats a pretty small sample size though… and only 193 out of 1479 people voted for it. Its not all that surprising to me that it could win something like that.


Also it was a Japanese poll. The show had an idol in it! Of course they’ll like it.


Tomori and Nishimori/Kurobane
Note - Is it just me, or does Yusa’s eye look wrong ?

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Bit too low quality for me to judge, but it looks fine to me. Maybe the perspective is throwing you for a loop?

The pillow is slightly uneven, so it looks a bit weird. The placement of the hair on the right of her face is also places in an unfortunate position, but the face is right.

The hair masks the curvature of the face, so there’s no indication that the face isn’t just too wide. Quick mockup to show you the idea…

The reason the eye becomes the focal point is that it is the last place where you can see the face. To fix this, they could have changed the angle she is facing up slightly, as shown in my mad mspaint edit:

Might as well post about it
Charlotte Blu-Ray and DVD
Release - January 27th
Volume - 5 (episodes 9&10


Don’t worry, we know, we’ve got an article lined up for launch :stuck_out_tongue:
Seriously that art looks great though

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This gets gayer every minute.

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