Charlotte - Episode 9 "The World is Not in Here"

I’ve mentioned this during the Kaza Watches event of this episode: Shortly after Yuu wakes up, Nao starts acting kinda weird. Not recognizing Kumagami. Not reading the mood. Asking if she can film the secret hideout.
It’s like she’s a different person or maybe she’s acting dumb on purpose for whatever reason. I’m not quite dismissing the latter, yet. Until now, Nao has always been calculating and adapted to situations quickly.
Maybe she’s hiding her true thoughts on everything?

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Any excuse to avoid the conclusion that it’s lazy writing…

Holy crap, this episode was actually good. Mutant concentration camps, bizarre parallel futures and time traveling, and Nao is somehow less annoying! Wow, why wasn’t the first episode this interesting? :confused:

Okay, I’ll be honest here. I never watched episodes 6-8, so some plot elements were a little lost on me. I inferred that Ayumi died in episode 6 from the foreshadowing from episode 5 (and all the silly memes going around the interwebs didn’t help things). It was nice to see the ego Yuu displayed in the first episode return in some form, and the first scene after the opening felt something like (Rewrite Spoilers) Kotarou’s date with Lucia in her route. Nao felt a lot less annoying, and her nosy behavior is even lampshaded in this episode! I love it! But I digress.

The mutant concentration camp thing came out of the blue for me, along with the whole ‘true power’ plot device thing. Some people were making jokes about the time travel stuff during the Kaza Watches event an hour or so ago, and for some reason, all of this hooked me, even if there were a couple things I didn’t fully understand. Also I hate how the episode ended, because I want to know more! Give me more, Maeda! :3

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My only explanation to this is she was still getting ovee the hype from having watched that ZHIEND concert…

Now with the context of earlier episodes, I can analyze this episode a little further.

The transition from the student council characters to Shunsuke’s allies is rather abrupt, with no explanation given as to why we are focusing on these characters now. (Maybe Episode 8 had it, but Pepe told me that episode was filler, so… ._.) We did see Medoki in Episode 6, but she only showed up for…five seconds? I don’t know. The episode doesn’t elaborate on who they are beyond being targets for Yuu’s plundering ability.

After finishing episode 7, I was convinced that Nao, through many different circumstances, is obligated to put Yuu on a leash because of his psychotic actions. Yuu strangely doesn’t feel any sort of distrust for her, although that’s easily explained by the fact that she, psychologically, has replaced his sister. It’s…actually kind of cute. Perhaps that’s why I felt that their chemistry had grown a little better in this episode.

[quote=“EisenKoubu, post:84, topic:1837”]
The mutant concentration camp thing came out of the blue for me, along with the whole ‘true power’ plot device thing.
[/quote]I guess I missed something by skipping episode 8, because I still have this issue. I won’t be skipping any more episodes after this, though. Again, thanks @Pepe. :slight_smile: