Charlotte - Episode 9 "The World is Not in Here"

Overdid it in what way though? As in exessivley or like @Doublethree1 said, like he just went too far back. Rhetorical question mind you lol

They don’t have to be gone. Off the top of my head (Clanand)Post grad I wasn’t really expecting anymore appearances from anyone besides Nagisa but there’s the New Years Party, Kyou as Ushio’s teacher and Fuko waking up. and Little Busters After Riki/Rin runaway and everything is reverted to before they met Kyousuke the rest of the heroine still appear once they’re back in the real world. I’m not expecting them to do anything important though.

My point was more he couldn’t go past 5 years ago (random number means nothing) as in he’d be stopped and the power wouldn’t take him further. How you thought I meant it still works. His weakness is probably needing light though.

Edit: I thought this was in a different thread so forgot about it but just a question for @Pepe about the alt timelines theory (which I do agree with) Wouldn’t Nao and her brother have been caught? Unless creating this alt timeline somehow they were caught instead of Ayumi and Yuu (which I guess would get Shun wanting to help them as it was his fault they were captured).

I thought you meant if he went too far back he loses his vision but yeah I get what you mean, still I think the use of a strong power like Shane’s has something to do with it

…well I didn’t think about it like that.
Even so, considering he was quite the asshole in episode 07 I’m not sure the execution completely works here.

… I wasn’t arguing whether or not it was a fact takafumipls

See, that is a problem. His brother is the one with the timeleap power and, naturally, the brother should remember things after leaping. Yuu shouldn’t be able to do so. So yes, the others may have been told, or very elaborately convinced, at the least.

Unless the timeleap power works differently from how I think it does.

OOOOOOOHHH how did I not realize this
(but yuu can still steal his power probably)

Nao and her brother are an independent factor. They might have been caught together with the Otosaka siblings, or they might not have been. The only line of dependence is the opening of Hoshi no Umi, which needed Shunsuke to timeleap

That archery guy in Episode 2 was a pretty big asshole, too…

Just seemed pointless to state.

But there are a myriad of reasons for why Yuu could possibly remember. It may be the sibling relationship. Yuu may have taken the power too at some point. Maybe he was faced with Deja Vu too strong to keep back his memories. Maybe, since the time leap ability relies on light, anything caught within his vision at the moment of the leap has it’s memories sent back as well. Maybe the Yuu from the prisony place timeleaped back to the Yuu at the concert.
There’s a lot of possibilities.


That would be a good plot device if he had to give up his vision too as a primarily narcissistic character

YEP, that’d be the point, since Shunsuke can’t use it anymore he needs to use Yuu for his plans.

I hope his plan fails because I’m an edgy emo dickhead.

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I do have to make an opening statement so people are on the same page when reading the rest of my post :stuck_out_tongue:

And that’s why I wanted to open discussion on it; There may be a lot of possibilities, but whatever the cause may be, I expect it to play some part in the story. For instance

Is one theory that I find unlikely, but

Is something extremely interesting, should it be true.

So did everyone lose their memory after the time leap of was it just specifically Yuu and his sister?

I think only a small group remember what happened, it could just be limited to Kumagami and Yuu’s brother

I think that could be an overall downside to their power’s. What if not only shunsuke can’t use his power without light reaching his eyes but everyone can’t use them if you block the light 100%. I think some people used them, like ayumi, with closed eyes but I don’t know if that’s really enough to block 100%. Like when you look into the sun and close your eyes but still see red through your eyelids. And she didn’t have her eyes closed all the time anyway.

It’s only a theory because we have two blind people now. So if you overuse your power, your eyes can’t take it anymore and you become blind.

But I don’t know where’s the point when a power is overused. For example Nao used it all the time in ep7 for day’s or even week’s and is still fine.


I don’t think so. I get the same feeling as I did about Ayumi.

I’m honestly just seeing them as entertaining supporting characters at this point. Even if they attempted to add them back in for the climax they really never left enough of a mark on me to care. I’d feel no different if sky high saito joined them.

It’s a shame, because I feel like Joujirou has so much untapped potential.


They should have focussed on more of a best friend approach towards Yuu to add more attachment to him as a character, instead they just made him a punch line…


Still just wish this was a visual novel. Reading Angel Beats: 1st Beat and being relatively unimpressed with Charlotte has more or less confirmed to me one of two things:

  1. Key/Maeda is objectively better at creating visual novels.


  1. This type of anime is just not for me.

As I have less time to devote to entertainment, I find myself more and more frustrated when something doesn’t either stimulate me intellectually, provide an atmosphere of social growth, or make me feel fully invested. Key visual novels do the first and third consistently, but neither Angel Beats (anime) nor Charlotte have managed to accomplish any of those objectives for me.

Cynicism aside, I’m still enjoying watching it. I just have not developed any desire to own it nor do I feel I will ever want to re-watch it nor would I even heartily recommend it to a friend.

I’m starting to feel very concerned with the path Charlotte is headed in…
As much as I enjoyed the episode to start with… I thought about it for a while and now with the reveal of this Time Leap ability which I’m pretty sure a lot of people saw coming… This is starting to feel awfully “Steins;Gate’y” if anyone knows where I’m coming from… And don’t get me wrong I know plenty of series have used time travel in their plots before however;

MAJOR STEINS;GATE SPOILERS If the end resolve of Charlotte is really going to be “Save Ayumi, and then every one is happy ending”, then it really lacks originality as Steins;Gate had this core element to it’s plot, i.e redoing the past to reach a world line where the cute little girl survives. Not only this but I feel like the romance flags between Yuu and Nao may also point towards another Steins;Gate’y plot device, where Girl 1 survives but Girl 2 is forgotten forever and MC has to live in anguish as he remembers all about Girl 2 but can’t do anything about it" What would be even more disappointing is if this “Charlotte” turns out to be the name of the world line where this supposed miracle outcome takes place…we’ll see though…

I for one seriously hope this isn’t how Charlotte turns out in the end, but to me it seems to be very much headed in that direction. Maeda is usually the one to set crazy trends, not follow them…
Buuuut I’m still hopeful something great will come out of this though. I’m enjoying Charlotte too much to have to rip on it, but my concern is strong. I want something original by the end.


Um… It’s not like Steins;Gate is the first original change-the-past-and-save-someone-through-sacrifice story… There’s plenty of precedent for that kind of narrative.
And I don’t read/watch Key stories for originality, I look forward to quality.