Charlotte - Episode 8 "Encounter"

I really liked the episode, but I do not know what to think of the way they woke up Nao’s brother. I understand why it woke him up, but didn’t it feel a bit rushed? . I feel like there is something missing. After she’s done singing and he calms down, Yuu is asking him: do you remember Nao, and her brother just repeat Nao’s name and boom they instantly know he’s cured and leave him alone? It kinda felt weird to me, but I really liked the episode as a whole.

Also, I think the way Sala lost her eyesight might be related to how they eventually lose their powers. I think maybe she had powers too as a teen, but that when you come of age you can decide either to give up your powers or in her case her eyesight, and she gave it away to keep being able to sign. At least it is my theory.


Do you mean Yuu and Sala left him or the writers left him? Nao mentions the nurses called her so I’m guessing Yuu told them (or they were in like right after as Nao sounds like she was there pretty much right after Yuu left). If you mean the writers it’s probably because it’s the end of the episode, I don’t think we need to really see more of him though. Sure he’s not fully healed but I’d be fine if that was it with seeing him (I would like to see more of his healing but I doubt the episode count will allow that).

I meant Yuu and Sala. I mean, if I magically cured my friend’s brother from insanity, I would not just leave, I would stay with him until his sister got there. Maybe he does not know me, but as his sister friend I could help him calm down by talking about her and by explaining to him what happened or something like that.

The episode felt a bit too convenient and Yusa music video was suuuuuuper self-indulgent, but at this point the main characters just bounce each other really well and I really like Sala. I’m 99% sure she’s hiding something.

As for Nao’s brother recovery, I saw it as a significative but still small step? Not really the best portrayal of mental illness recovery, but they didn’t go overboard with it.
Also, once again is worth considering Sala is not all she seems to be.

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And then she says " well, I’m sure u dont quite understan it right now, but If such a day ever comes for you… make sure to handle it well"

I think that’s the biggest feels flag we’ve seen so far!!! . yuu already cheated, so I think that day may be coming!!!

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I’m pretty neutral about this episode (which is why I rated it a 3). It was alright, but I guess I just didn’t like the direction it was going.

The first half felt like a filler episode more than anything, and the only thing of value I got from it was being able to see Yuu more happy and encouraged to work with the student council; you saw how he wolfed down that curry! And he is actually smiling now instead of being indifferent! So yeah, this shows that Yuu is now in a good place in regards to character development.

The PV in the middle was eh. It was too long, pretty meaningless, and the song wasn’t even that good :frowning: This is, IMO, the worst HLH song so far. But hey, I guess Yusa’s outfit was cute.

The second half was a lot better, and Sala was a really fun character! Like I said on her topic, I’ve gotten too interested in her backstory, and I hope that it has something to do with the main plot as we go on.

I guess the part about Nao and her brother was expected. Nao only liked ZHIEND because of how the music affects her; naturally, she wouldn’t care much about the singer, especially given her personality. I was also expecting them to go visit the brother eventually. I was disappointed by how well the singing actually worked. Nao even foreshadowed the possibility of it not working, and yet it worked! What I’m afraid of is that it might even push the story into one that would add more attention to the brother, which is frustrating considering how little info we’ve been given on him.

I guess I’m just a tad bitter that my prediction from episode 2 didn’t come true :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t really know about Nao’s brother being “sane” again.
It was never really mentioned.
I mean sure, he had a moment of clarity after Sala’s singing, but that doesn’t have to mean that he’s cured now.
Maybe he’s a little bit more sane, or it was only a temporary effect, but I seriously doubt that he’s really all that better now.

Ok episode, yeah? Yuu’s continual development was handled a bit better than I expected, though Im kinda surprised he didnt ever suddenly break down crying or something. What was better about this episode as opposed to other ones like it (2,4,5) was that Yuu was really the focus, and we really did see what his character is like and how it is changing.

About the random music video, isnt it obvious? They wanted to have an episode about ZHIEND, so they had to put HLH in there somewhere -_- They probably did all the Sala stuff first, said, oops we dont have a full episode, and then threw in the music video for kicks.

Sala was definitely a very vague character. It’d be nice if we got to see a bit more of her, and we still have the concert, but I wont get my hopes up too high.

Overall, kinda odd that we had such a spike in the middle of the series, only to come back down a bit. Looking at the whole picture, I guess it kinda makes sense though.

Personally I think the most interesting part of this episode was Yuu’s last two sentences. He says Sala, the music, the concert, feel nostalgic. And what else has Yuu continually brought up in the context of nostalgia: his older brother. Or I guess there are still plenty of “time leap” theories flying about out there. Hmmmmmmmm, interesting…

Yeah, really, what was more convenient about that scene was how Yuu recognized her from just 4 words.

[quote=“Rippleshadow, post:46, topic:1817”]
Who does give the titles?
[/quote]The magical title fairy.

Last thing. I really doubt that Nao’s brother is gonna suddenly come into play here. Im convinced that that whole scene was all development for Nao.

The episode kind of stopped the momentum the show was building in a weird place, but it was interesting none the less. Shane was a great new character but I don’t see her coming back either… Also how did everyone know she was the lead singer from Zhiend? Are there like, no blind people in Japan? I found that kind or odd haha

A blind girl speaking English in the same city as where Zhiend is going to perform. 1+1=2.

Even so I find it hard to believe people would be so quick to assume something like that. There are plenty of blind white people in the world haha

B…But… It’s Japan!

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Aw, I was thinking I’d get a straightforward answer for a second there XD

@Glenn_Irish I thought it was kind of an odd assumption for Yuu to make as well, but the more I think about it, the less odd is seems. After all, he first made that assumption right after he heard her voice. It was the voice that he recognized as belonging to the singer.

With Yuu yes that makes sense, i was mainly referring to the ramen guy who only really seemed to think that when she said she was blind

Yeah, I know that a lot of bands or celebs would go around the locals to appreciate the culture or whatever, but I think it’s not quite normal for her, a disabled people who can’t see anything at all, all by herself, “sightseeing” the locals. I don’t know how safe it is in Japan for a disabled people to go around like that, but I just found it pretty weird. If I were her manager or her bandmate, I wouldn’t let her go around wandering by herself. The whole band would go together too. I dunno if every of her senses are strengthened for her eyes are blind like how Daredevil is, it just doesn’t sit quite right with me.

Didnt you see how her handler came and dragged her off at the end? She had obviously run away from the rest of her band and the crew XP


I just had an idea, what if Sala has the power to heal people’s mind with her voice. That’s why Yuu feels calmed while listening to her on tape. It would also explain why Nao’s brother “woke up” from his madness. Maybe that’s how she cheated. And she gave up her eyesight to keep the power.


Never realised before but the guy in the centre from the OP is holding a cane… Just like Sala.
Implying he is blind? idk…


Maybe “losing/offering up your eyesight” means a lot in this world…


Now that the answer I can accept. (Plus today I saw a couple of blind man and woman traveling by themselves. Wow, answers do come out unexpectedly… in real life)