Charlotte - Episode 6 "Happy You Did Not Notice"

Middle schoolers these days are scary as hell. The shift in tone is pretty intense. But I guess we have been warned often enough. The special abilities are dangerous.

Goodbye carefree days. Hello intensity.

At first, I thought we’re being fooled and the Yandere girl is actually the one with the “collapse” ability, and she’s actively causing Ayumi’s illness. But then I noticed that she wasn’t in Ayumi’s room when the collapse ability was located, so it had to be Ayumi after all.

I don’t understand a single word you’re saying o.O


Don’t worry guys that wasn’t blood at the end it’s clearly just pizza sauce.


Nice. If you want me to reiterate something it’s better to ask than just quote everything and complain you don’t understand it. Since otherwise what can I do?

Wow, this might be the quickest-growing topic on Kazamatsuri!

I still need time to gather my thoughts after watching that, but wow. It certainly impacted me! My first criticism is that the drama with the middle-schooler seemed completely out of nowhere and only served the purpose of triggering the tragedy, which is kinda lame. But I guess the cause won’t be the focus, so much as the result will be the focus.

I’ll save most of my thoughts for the podcast, at any rate.

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Yay I was maybe right! (I mean knocking down a school seems pretty OP compared to the rest but if she can’t control it then that’s pretty bad)

Who was that girl near the end though? I thought it might have been a scientist but the security dude let her through with a badge flash, she also seemed more worried than “damn we missed our chance”.

Yeah. I always like yandere for some reason (maybe because the anime I tend to watch rarely have them) but it just seemed kind of random. That is middle school style drama fight over a boy/girl like that though so it makes sense (aside from the box cutter and blowing the school up).

That’s the thing. It’s so confusing, I’m not even sure what I should ask. But I’ll try.

One of the things I don’t understand is something @Takafumi already asked about.

Even after your exchange, I still don’t get how you arrived at the conclusion that Yuu’s power is supposedly different from what he thinks it is.

Another conclusion that I can neither make sense of nor backtrack. What does Misa have to do with that girl?

Blonde hair, red eyes. It’s a similar character design, the fact they hid it initially suggest that her looks have value. That doesn’t mean she’s for certain Misa or anything. Just that it’s implied her looks matter for some reason.

I’ll take the Yuu thing to his thread, since it has little to do with this episode.

And the timing of the cold, and the house visit, and imouto sneaking out, and the people watching over them in particular, and the main cast having a “bad feeling.”
It feels like there’s a lot missing from what happened, and I just hope that they fill in the blanks.

Yeah, I got the same. It looks like a bunch of thoughts with half the context removed.

Yeah, that’s why I’m hoping there’s a deeper cause. Maybe some background info on Yandere-chan, or a look at the older kids who were watching them. A cold into a sudden violent love-triangle into a power-hunting mission is a bit out-there… Especially considering there’s been no contest on any of the previous cases.
But all of that stuff might interrupt the pacing of the show, and it’s not really necessary, so whatever. Nitpicking~

Probably someone in a similar position to Nao.

Yup. I don’t disagree with the theory, but I struggle to understand where it came from.

Goddamn Yanderes ruin everything!

Good episode though, they kept their promise of making shit get real at the halfway point

[quote=“Takafumi, post:7, topic:1750, full:true”]

I’m kinda glad the little sister is gone[/quote]

… You are a really cruel person, Sakagami…

But regarding the episode… Awesome! Very intense; the best so far! I wonder what happened to the siblings… And I hope both of them aren’t gone, because I really like them…

And it seems the orange-haired girl will play a major role. Look at this:


This episode… Such a cliffhanger :rage::rage::rage: WHAT HAPPENED ?! STUPID YANDERE GIRL. Ayumi’s powers should have been making people collapse. Make that YANDERE girl collapse.

I feel like this episode was in a visual novel format. As being the “Bad end” while the next episode resets, I’m basing that off of the credits, though I understand that if they played the normal ED, it wouldn’t have fit with what was happening.

Such an amazing episode ! Such a tragedy ! The middle school love though, lol, the guy likes Ayumi, the YANDERE likes the guy. The YANDERE hates Ayumi. Then there’s the blue haired girl who’s protecting Ayumi from the guy. The love story kinda reminded me of (GGO spoiler) Asada, Kirito, and Death gun’s brother

Sometimes, I wish Anime’s were real in life, so you could go hit those irritating anime characters, like the YANDERE.

Eh… There’s absolutely no reason for them to do that. Not even VN adaptations do that…

Nah, she needed to go so that we can get a proactive protag.

It’ll just continue like normal.

Some do. There are even manga and LN adaptations that do.

Ha, I called it! I knew the cold was seriously just a cold and not dangerous at all!

…oh, oooh…ooooooooooooh…

Ok well um, you know what lets ignore the Giraffe sleeping in the room for a sec.

YUSS MUH YUU/AYUMI RELATIONSHIP SO GOOD. Muh overprotectiveness, muh couple teasing. Whatever happens, I can be happy that at least one solid believable relationship was written into the series.
…Yuu is gonna fuckin’ SNAP. like ayumi’s spine

now then

I don’t understand why NaoNao didn’t just outright ask Ayumi to try and collapse something on a small scale, or even checking attendance records for the day too see who ELSE would have been in the building, she has never been this indirect or none thorough about her job before, it’s out of character, the only reason I can think to support why is respecting Yuu’s wishes to not give Ayumi more bananas than she needs.

Also, kind of a big deal, Saito basically confirmed last episode that personality powers, or at least powers linked to desires, so why the hell is Ayumi ‘Collapse’.

This episode absolutely lacks the writing quality of the last one, but definitely put all it’s points in a more raw emotion side of things, the tone shift was intense.

Nah man.
Clearly Yusa found her first.
It’s just residual nosebleed after the event.


You never know :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: But if you say so.

Also, there were visual novel adaptions that did do that…
It won’t be surprising if Charlotte does it too

I don’t know, she doesn’t seem like she works for the school how she kind of rushes in but would the guard let her in even if she’s from a different school? Unless you mean works for whoever the person Nao trusts. As @sillylittlemelody showed she’s probably the one the OP so she’ll probably be important now.

There have been but if they reset now would that fit with a twist that changes things up happens in the second half? Maeda also said this won’t be a VN and I think this would be the first Key anime to have a bad end (besides Operation High Tension) which would be weird if there’s no intentions to make it into a VN.

Uh… Episode 6 isn’t the end, ya know?

I think she fills a similar role, but with higher authority.

Context is important.

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@Kotarou was talking about how he thinks this is a bad end and I was saying, aside from the obvious joke in the Operation High Tension episode Key anime have never done a “bad end” and reset. While it could happen the fact Charlotte isn’t planned on being a VN makes me doubt it.

You know, I came in expecting SOMETHING bad to happen this episode, but I can’t say I saw any of that coming. The episode raised even more questions than I already had though, like:

  1. If the powers are linked to personality, then why does Ayumi have such a dangerous one? Is there more to her than we’ve been led to believe?

  2. Is water guy actually going to be a significant character?

  3. What was that orange-haired girl doing at the end? Does she have a similar role to the student council, where she has to hunt down ability users?

  4. They wouldn’t kill off important characters this early on, right? …Right?

Anyways, I’m going to be optimistic and assume that at least Yuu is going to make it out alright. It wouldn’t be too farfetched if Takajou used his ability to run in and grab him before the pillar fell on him or something. Still, though, this week’s wait os going to be an intense one for sure.

And hey, at least Key didn’t just go the “kill her with Key Aids” route like I thought they would. I mean, this was probably worse in the scheme of things, but at least it wasn’t typical Key in this case.

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