Charlotte - Episode 2 "Melody of Despair"

That’s not how it works.

If that is supposed to be a secret military/intelligence experiment, they screwed up big time by allowing witness and victim/evidence to “exist”.

If that is somewhat publicly accountable experiment, then the society is really screwed by letting such cruel experiment. Including if there’s the evidence of said cruel “secret” military/intelligence experiment and not doing anything.

NagiAsu does that 26/26. Guess who!

Thinking society would be a factor against shady government dealings is one thing, but thinking he government wouldn’t be able to snuff out or handle these things is even crazier. I got nothing lol. If anything, cracks in the system would be supported by the setting in how the situations are handled which is a main part of my bringing it up in the first place. It makes perfect sense as it is here, either positively or nefariously.

It wouldn’t be the first shrug I think there’s enough for society to gain (especially the rich) for them to shove ethnicity aside.

Oh yeah, NagiAsu did too. That’s the reason I listened to the OPs and EDs so much. Did Shin Sekai Yori do it too? I remember it’s use of EDs being pretty impressive… but that was quite a while ago.

A bit thing to remember when talking about this subject is the information we knew before the anime began airing. People with superpowers are gathered together in one school… a school that iirc was said to be heavily monitored. Wasn’t cctv a big thing in all the early info we found?
Also, think of that one key visual. Why would Yuu be in a prison-like environment if he was both in a secure environment, and part of the group of students that probably gets the most information?
And how would Nao just run away from a monitored environment where every person around her was a worker of the government, specifically set up to keep track of her and monitor her development? How would she find some guy who can just poof out a big plot of land where a school sits?

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I just checked a few random episodes and it appears to be a standard “credits rolling over footage for ED” although it looks really amazing. There was never an OP though.

Yeah, especially the one in media industry. oh… wait…

Wait, ShinSekai Yori, Toradora and KokoroCo definitely not.
What we’re talking about? My impression is that the credit text, ED scene and (importantly) ED song are rolling smoothly with the scene.

The one within my recollections are NagiAsu, half of Hanasaku Iroha, WA2, Saki, iM@S, AnoHana.

I specially meant the ED starts playing and credit text shows up while the characters are still talking. Episode 2 of Charlotte and episodes (I think) 9-13 of Shokugeki no Soma are 2 examples I can think of off the top of my head.

When the credits or the ending song (or both) start early. A lead-in ED. It’s pretty much a sure-fire way to either build hype or hit a sombre note as the episode comes to a conclusion, and is used in big moments. It’s one of the things that made EGOIST so standout, they used the technique a looot in GC and PP. I know that Toradora and Kokoro Connect definitely did this, there was a compilation of Kokoro Connect’s that someone posted in the Skype chat last year.
I’m pretty sure AB even did it for an episode.
Basically, what you saw when they started talking about comets at the end of this episode, is what we are talking about.

Shokugeki does it every now and then, generally following the trend of using it at the end of crucial episodes. The sound direction of that show is great.

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There was one OP in Shin Sekai Yori. About halfway through the season. But hey if we’re talking about shows that play the ED and do credits beforehand Tatsuyuki Nagai does it in basically all of his shows as far as I’m aware.

As much as I loathe talking about ‘realness and plausibility’ in fictions. This… Isn’t exactly the case IRL. Like we know of many situations governments secret intelligence have fucked up. Hell, alot of situations we only know about at all because they fucked up. Truth can often be weirder than fiction. And sadder than fiction. Urgh.

or comedy like that humming in I think episode 9

I thought there was but MAL only credits two EDs and I didn’t feel like checking every single episode.

It WAS trying to feed feels at you though.

I really don’t think it was something we needed to know IMMEDIATELY.

I’m surprised you didn’t bring up Gatchaman in a conversation about EDs :stuck_out_tongue:

Some of them are still going. People are just like “oh… that’s happening? Okay.”
It doesn’t look like it’s public knowledge in Charlotte though. It doesn’t even look like everyone at the school is aware of super powers. The kids they got for the fake school must have been sworn to secrecy, or government workers, or relatives of government workers, or something ridiculous.

Soma is the worst hummer ever.

No, it wasn’t. It’s just unfortunate backstory. It’s sad, but it’s not feelsy. Nao acted nonchalantly. If they wanted to make a feels moment, they’d have Nao actually react.
I don’t know why you think it was trying to induce feels, but your thoughts are wrong.

With the way the protag behaves, I think he’d want to know why he’s getting roped up in stuff. He asks, and Nao responds. If this was a shyer girl, maybe this background info would have been kept secret, but Nao clearly doesn’t care to hide it from someone she’s working with.
I don’t think they had to go so in-depth with the backstory, but I’m glad they did instead of spending more time being a sol show.

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I was refraining from tangenting /too/ hard. Otherwise I could also blabber on about Hyouka. Or maybe even Serial Experiments Lain and End of Eva for their usage of OPs and EDs… There’s so much cool stuff you can do with OPs and EDs rather than just insert songs that just aren’t used alot.

Yeah, or even possible fake kids, illusions, basically anything? I don’t really care for speculating too much about the ‘world of a fiction’ and how that world is supposed to work, but with the conversation going on I did think it was relevant to point out as hyperbolic as it is, it isn’t out of place.

But then again, I also see this arguing over ‘feels’ to be a bit silly. The scene served a purpose rather than just an emotional response. It worked for me on multiple levels, if not for others, eh… I’d more be curious ‘why’ peeps are responding like this about it rather than arguing over whether it is or isn’t a certain way.

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Everyone’s a critic, and since this is Key, people think everything this show will do is about school life or feels.

Mediocre episode. I think I already get the gist of what each episode would look like. I was a bit surprised the show quickly explored Nao’s story. It was a nice contrast to the clunky humor at the first part of the episode and opens more questions I suppose. I was annoyed to how foreshadowed elements are stuffed to our faces repeatedly. It was screaming attention and I think they could have expressed this more sparingly. It kinda dampens the intrigue for future episodes.

Nao’s personality kind of disorients me.

I was wondering if the powers has got to do with the user’s character? Like Nao’s bro loves music so his power has something to do with controlling sound. Or the guy’s projection ability and he practices archery?

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But it was a wasted potential. It could have been used for drama later, but now it cannot.

I guess it’s not exactly because she isn’t shy… Not even an outgoing person go telling someone they met three days before his life story and family situation.

I think it was more like: This is what happened to my brother. Now SHUT UP and you better be happy with this shit unless you wanna end up like him. She didn’t say that, but it was implicit why she told him that, given the way he was behaving.


The problem with saying “it could have been used for drama later” is we don’t know how the stories going to develop. What if the rest of the story absolutely requires Yuu knowing about Nao and her brother? What if they have another drama moment planned out later that isn’t as predictable (especially for Key) as “main character has tragic family backstory”. Really we won’t know how including her backstory in episode 2 will affect the series until we see more which is why I left it as:

in my original review post thing earlier in the thread. It may be causing Angel Beats flashbacks having tragic family backstory in episode 2 but we don’t know if Charlotte needed it or will be able to work with it being this early.


This may be a simple good artistic resource to deliver a great image… but I coudn’t avoid thinking about “what if” the long exposure drawings means something.

I’m not talking about the nice starry sky only, but also about other frames like the one at the ED, when we can see people moving with a time (cough) long expose trail behind them…

Speculation: I believe there’s a big twist coming, that’s not all her backstory at all. It isn’t what it seems. We know Jun Maeda thinks in at least two levels (two meanings, or even three) specially for MCs. That’s my bet.

I really don’t understand why everyone’s so angry about Nao’s backstory.

  1. It set the tone as showing us that no matter how much the student council and the school try to hide it, this is a serious show about serious shit. Yeah, theyre kids, they’re gonna do funny shit while they’re at school, but for many of them, that might just be to help forget about how serious theyre powers actually are.

  2. It also pretty much demonstrated to us that this show and its climax are not going to be about backstories. Nao’s openness about this shows that, while her past may have brought her to where she is today, and still affects how she lives her life, she does not want that (and I get the sense her power as well) to define her.

  3. No, as much as you want to argue it, it was not rushed. Being upfront with parts of a character that would normally be saved for some drama later does not automatically make it rushed. What would make it rushed was if after this episode, Nao and her backstory no longer mattered. Lots of people are referencing Iwasawa. I say as long as Nao doesnt disappear after this, there is no reason we should automatically think that this was put at the beginning simply because Maeda is trying to cram stuff in.

I think its kinda funny how this show hides its scatterbrained-ness with the excuse of “We’re the student council, we can leave school whenever we want!”

[quote=“sillylittlemelody, post:55, topic:1585”]
I seriously doubt it won’t be like a VN.
[/quote]Well I’m sorry, but these first two episodes feel hella lot like an original anime (oh wait) and wouldnt fit in a VN at all. Like I said, its all over the place. You cant do that in a VN. You shouldnt confine Key into such a little box, its not like they arent able to do new things. After all, making an original anime itself is a first for them.

Also about all this government shit: Kids have superpowers, adults don’t. Kids arent hurting anything, adults have no reason to even know in the first place. Scientists find out but cant go after them, and the kids are the ones protecting them because ONLY THE KIDS HAVE SUPERPOWERS. School is obviously either lead by adults who used to have superpowers, or is a trap and like @Bizkitdoh said is run by evil science/government people. Makes sense to me, yo.

And nao I will go back and rewatch the whole thing… with my eyes closed. Beautiful beautiful sound track, and only at episode two, just wow. And Lia and Aoi Tada have both succeeded once again in creating two breathtaking vocal tracks. So glad I preordered all that music.


The soundtrack of Charlotte is the real MVP here. As good or bad as the story gets as we go onward, the OST will definitely stand out as one of the best.

We should be able to at least agree on that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the characters’s backstories will be pretty vital to the story overall, most especially Yu and Nao’s. The show is simply presenting it differently and with fewer characters too. It’s an interesting take compared to KEY’s previous works but there’s still glimpses of Maeda’s writing there.

What makes this episode feel rushed is that it tries to put a lot of exposition in a single episode. I don’t think it’s the last of Nao’s story, and I bet the story will employ a number of flashback scenes for each important character per episode and will just feel abrupt every time since the series is already building up unseen histories of the school and its founder, which I bet will be discovered through the characters’s pasts.