Charlotte Anime Bookclub Anthology

Bringing the Charlotte Anime Bookclub to a close, I am proud to finally be able to present the Charlotte Anime Bookclub Anthology. The Anthology showcases all of the fanworks produced for the Bookclub, as well as a select few of our community's final thoughts on the series, answering the question

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Good work gang!
I really enjoyed watching this, everyone’s segments were great.
@Naoki_Saten’s bit was the best one, it’s very understandable how he got MVP!

Outstanding stuff. Good entries from everybody~ I still want to do a full analysis sometime, but I’m going to go ahead and keep my distance for a bit longer. Wished my own was a bit better. ^^; Maybe after the BDs are all out or something.

This was really good. I like how there was very little overlap in what everyone talked about in their submissions. Everyone provided their own unique take on Charlotte.

Agreed 100%!

That was a great reflection. I find myself dancing around the meaning of Charllote and other key works. Its a bit challenging for me to put the feelings from the show into my own words or let alone express it to others. So, thank you for doing a great job.

God I almost cried, Falling <3 . Your reflextions were all amazing. Even when everybody was attacking Charlotte when it ended, this demonstrates it’s still truly worthwhile and meaningful.

@Aspirety was my favorite.