Coming up in a little over a month Iotheria and I have procured a panel at a local con. We’ll be running a key panel, but there is a small hiccup in that neither of us have ever run a panel at a con before which makes this a learning exercise. Since I’ll be doing most of the writing for the panel I’ve got a basic layout in my mind which works on the assumption that everyone knows nothing about Key.
I plan on taking just a few minutes to introduce the main staff of Key and then give a brief history surrounding how Key was founded, before launching into the games. I plan on introducing the game in chronological order, playing the OP for each one (we will be using power point and a projector) and then briefly describing the game itself (theme,layout,impact,etc.).
So the reason I bring this up is I’m looking for feedback. Having been to panels but never run one all I have to lean back on is my own experience so I want to broaden those ideas. What would you guys like to see in a key panel? Any suggestions on how you feel it could be run better? If you have any ideas there is a good chance they will get implemented considering how rough around the edges my ideas feel so far.