Best Key Opening!

Toki wo Kizamu uta is it for me. Onaji Takamie is actually one of my favorite tracks on the CLANNAD soundtrack, so a vocal version of the song with those awesomely soaring vocals is naturally going to be top tier in my mind.

Plus the visuals behind it were super gorgeous.

“Last Regrets” would be the best one for me.
Whenever I hear this song I just start to either hum its melody, or actually sing the song.
To be honest, I don’t really like “Kanon” VN, but I absolutely love “Kanon”'s anime.
And love for this song comes from the anime (2006’s version). It always brings me a deep feeling of nostalgia… transience, maybe. The tune, the words… everything mixes together to produce this powerful sound.

2nd best for me would be “Philosophyz” from Rewrite.
And the 3rd best Little Busters! EX version.

Oooh. Best op for me would be Tori no Uta. There’s something so majestic and uplifting about that song, which perfectly fits the almost celestial-like themes of the story.

After Story’s anime op is a close call. From the stunning visuals to the rising melancholy of the song to it’s almost whispering note in the end is enough to provoke powerful emotions to the viewers. And I kinda like that it doesn’t sound ‘noisy’, like, almost every KEY op I hear have overpowering guitars and drums. I like it better when KEY goes mellow with its openings I suppose.


I would say Tori No Uta is my favorite. The vocals are amazing and it’s just tranquility. But let’s be honest all of the openings from every Key series is good.


I really can’t choose. Little Busters or Toki wo Kizamu Uta or Rewrite Moon. Also Boys be smile.

I become emotional when I hear Little Busters and Boys be smile but I like so much Rewrite Moon.


Little Busters’ op makes me want to jump and yell along with it.


This is difficult because there are so many good choices. I chose Tori no Uta

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This is a tough one. My first choice would have to be Toki wo Kizamu Uta. It’s one of my favorite pieces that make me feel very emotional with the impressive melody and the way how it makes us feel during those special moments in life.

Another one would be Little Busters cause it gets me pumped and excited. It’s a feel good song to me. And the last one I also enjoy would be Tori no Uta. It’s very peaceful, relaxing, and reminds me how summer can be so enjoyable at times.

It’s hard to rank them all for me but, Tori no Uta, MagMell, Light Colors. Anything Lia is on top. I can only say Rewrite has my least favorite tracks it is too generic sounding for me.

I’m conflicted between Toki wo Kizamu Uta, and Last Regrets ;_;


Then I’ll choose for you, last regrets!


“Toki wo Kizamu Uta” for me - but to be fair I have only watched Clannad + After Story!

Just really love that soaring chorus which is a contrast to the sad and wistful words, and the visual sequence too just encapsulates what’s so great about Clannad.


You know, since Key ended up pulling a fast one on us, Todoketai Melody shouldn’t be an option.


So is todoketai melody an ending along with towa no hoshi e?

It’s the ending. Towa no Hoshi he is an insert.


Really like Rewrite’s End of The World! Listened to it daily!

Rewrite OST is my all time favorite especially lucia and kotori theme song, but Imma have to vote for Little Busters! [EX] because Little Busters! is my first love and nothing can bring fond memories like the Little Busters opening movie.

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Although Rewrite is my favourite series, I would have to say Toki wo kizamu uta was the best key OP ever. The soft melody packs an emotional punch and the lyrics already give you a slight idea about the story’s events without spoiling too much!

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I am heavily biased towards Tori no Uta. It’s probably the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard, and introduced me to both Key and my love of the sky. Watching it again after reading Air, and especially seeing the CGs of the stairs just reminds me of the beautiful journey. It’s hard for me to explain, but it just clicks.


You know, re-examining this after playing through many more Key VNs, when you look at that list of opening songs the standard and consistency is phenomenal. I find it really hard to choose an absolute favourite or even out them in some kind of order. I don’t think there is any one of those that doesn’t put you in the right mood for playing the VN but at the same time you don’t want to skip the song in a hurry to get on with it.