April/May 2016 Event Recap Podcast: KSL Live, ACEN and more!

So much has been happening over the past 30 days in the world of Key events, so we figured it was time to grab a mic and record some first-hand impressions of all the events happening around the world this month! This podcast is split into two parts recorded a

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://kazamatsuri.org/april-may-2016-event-recap-podcast-ksl-live-acen-and-more/

Well I guess I should have expected the humiliating karaoke clips to come out sooner or later (/ o )

But hey, the Rewrite Eros Latin Mix worked surprisingly well as a bgm for a podcast :kurumu: we should use it more often

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I am proud to say that I actually watched the whole thing without skipping.

LOL ! I loved the karaoke scene ! It was fantastic !

Aspi, Kagari would be mad at you if she saw what you did to her eyes >.<

The fact that they covered Koibumi. I’m depressed that I wasn’t able to go ~_~ Seems like a missed opportunity.


I wouldn’t discount the possibility of the concert being distributed as a DVD in the future. I think VA realises there’s a lot of demand for in the West.


Aspii chachou singing “Rewrite” can be classified as the best thing ever xD

also that epic headnod, someone should make a gif out of that xD

That karaoke session sounds like it was truly a miracle.

I really want to learn how to make those character lattes at home. I am always so jealous of the awesome cafes. I was thinking I might do mini cafes for myself on the weekends for the Kanon bookclub.

I would be really sad to go to a Key live and have no Tori no Uta, but it sounds like there was enough awesome to go around.

I really do hope VA Key makes an effort to release Air (and Kanon, just mostly Air) in the west at some point. They should do like Key Classics Kickstarter or something to support the release of them. I would really like an English physical edition. gazes off in the distance dreaming

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They actually kinda cheated on that :stuck_out_tongue: they just got a cut-out filter and sprinkled cinnamon all over, heh

I figured, it would be too hard to do them with enough time to keep up with customers otherwise. Still…

I actually enjoyed watching this video and it seems like there are so many great things to look forward to as well. KSL Live World 2016 probably would have been interesting to go to but hearing it from you guys is so cool. I was impressed with the amazing merchandise they were selling, especially the drawing of Shizuru by Itaru Hinoue. It does seem that they are going at a pace where they need to take time to make sure things go smoothly and I like to thank them for all their hard work and efforts trying to make the best of their visual novels.


You guys seem like such a closely knit group of friends. The fact that you guys made friends with such a diverse demographic baffles me. It’s wonderful being a Key fan

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We all friends here man :kurumu: Just hang out with us on the forum and discord enough, and you shall eventually become just as close-knit as we are, hehe


Honestly though, I think that’s a testament to Key fans in general. A lot of the people we met up with at KSL are either not active on the forum, or not a member of Kazamatsuri at all! Yet we were able to instantly connect over our mutual love of Key. There’s something really unique about that experience.


Man I really wish if I was with you guys there lol

maybe sometime in the future

This episode doesn’t seem to be on the podcast XML feed yet; latest episode there is the Clannad Book Club from March.

Yeah we’ve noticed that error. We’re currently trying to figure it out at the moment ^^; sorry about that!

I was at the ACen panel and my question in the Q&A was if they’d ever consider doing a KSL Live World in North America. I figured at best I’d get a “we’ll think about it”, but the answer was that they were actually already working on it. That got a few cheers and gasps, IIRC (although nothing like later when they acknowledged they were already working on Angel Beats 1st Beat in English)

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That actually made me really happy to hear, yeah. Makes me wonder if it’ll be a full-fledged concert or just some special panel at a con. Take for example Kitazawa Ayaka, who performed a few songs last year in Singapores Chara Expo

Speaking of meeting at KSL. I’m curious if we as a community will meet up at Anime expo at LA this summer.

I would love to have a chance and talk to you guys in the flesh.

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There was a small quick meet up last year but its was a few handful. I met clannad man I don’t think I got to me any else though.

When the time comes closer then we can probably create a plan to have a more scheduled meet-up haha