[APRIL FOOLS] Angel Beats Season 2 Announced!

It’s time for Fish Saitou to shine. In the first season, he was pretty much a fish out of water.


guess this means otonashi will stay alone. #feels bad

On a side note Kanade looks gorgeous.

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sorry Im really hyped for more Feels but I dont understand who " tenshi " is, im seeing Angel in all the pictures but ???

also IS THAT THE AIR TOWN??? are they finally linking the feels together? my kokoro wont handle it :shock::ohhh::happy:

Looking at the calendar
Oh… okay :uee:

Jokes aside, looking forward to the new season, heck yessss! :tomoyaaa:

I hate april fools

I was so excited for a few seconds until I noticed the tag. :uee:

Looking forward to seeing more of it, sounds great.

I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere before.


I am lucky since I remember from this morning that today is April fools. I don’t have hopes for any real announces today

Are we doing this again?

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Inb4 Summer Pockets ends with Shiroha telling Hairi “I love you too, Yuzuru. Wait… Why did I call you Yuzuru?”

I was hit way too hard last year for this to fool me a second time :joy:

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where did you get the pictures from, then?

Reminder that this could still happen someday…I just don’t know how many zeroes we are talking about here when it comes to “could”.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to see it though.

Depends on what you mean by “this.” The concept of a season 2 was always dumb hence why this horse gets beat so often.

I never watched the anime so how useful a continuation of the original anime is something I cannot answer, but that doesn’t mean that “Season 2” has to start from the ending or follow footsteps either.

I guess an anime of 24-25 episodes that starts off at a wildly different point than the ending of Season 1 isn’t a true Season 2 though. :yahaha:

A Heavens Door anime is at least plausible.

Um… it’s April fools. I can’t tell if some people are joking or not. Do they not see the title?

This has nothing to do with Angel Beats. Summer Pockets is an entirely different production and has no continuity with Angel Beats, which was a straight-to-anime production, unlike this which is a Visual Novel/Game. Stop misinforming people if you want your publication to be taken seriously.

This is an April Fools joke, one that has been going on for 3 years in a row, there’s no one trying to misinform anyone.

If it helps, remember that every announcement on the last day of March or the first day of April (depending on your time) should be considered a April Fools joke until proven otherwise.


That doesn’t mean you can’t join in on the fun though, just don’t get fooled more than once if you can help it. :wink: