Angel Beats! - Takamatsu Character Discussion

Discussion of Takamatsuā€™s character in Angel Beats! and Angel Beats! Heavenā€™s Door. As of now all known information about the Angel Beats! anime and the Heavenā€™s Door manga may be discussed without the usage of spoiler tags, so be wary if youā€™re not familiar with them.

Glasses push
Itā€™s a Hype Train sensation!


Takamatsu? What a Joujirou ripoff, hah!

I kid, I kid :stuck_out_tongue: Well, not like we know much about him yet.


From the Anime, very much a gag character. I mean he was genuinely funny, but after the joke is over then thereā€™s not much left to him. Well, he was the first to be consumed by the shadows. But yeah, no development!

Havenā€™t read his arc in Heavenā€™s Door yet.

I like how Takamatsu is acting serious and stuff, but then he is just a guy that does a lot of dumb things and has a thing for glasses.
Also his body poses in the high tension syndrome episode almost killed me.

That part was weird because after his disparition, Takamatsu didnā€™t reappear ā€¦ visually I mean. We all know that the last episodes were kinda rushed but Meada seems to have forgotten him.

He got better, and then he lived a nice afterlife, and he moved on to better things.

They just donā€™t show it, and only briefly mention it.

As of now, I can say assuredly that heā€™s a TOTAL BRO character. Heā€™s going to be great~ His drama CD stuff was good too. The bros in this cast are pretty damn good.

That said- Broness included- His little arc in Heavenā€™s Door was great and got me going even in my horrific inability to read it very well. (Heavenā€™s Door) Mitsumura da real MVP.

ā€œMaeda forgot himā€.
You mean PA Works.

Iā€™ll shit on Maeda when he writes bad no problem, but heā€™s not the main issue with the Angel Beats anime. Itā€™s mostly the producers fault as far as Iā€™m aware.

More like, Maeda had to eat the page that had the Takamatsu story on it because they told him to get rid of it. Poor guy.

He will get his second chance in Charlotte.