Angel Beats! - Shiina Character Discussion

Discussion of Shiina’s character in Angel Beats! and Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door. As of now all known information about the Angel Beats! anime and the Heaven’s Door manga may be discussed without the usage of spoiler tags, so be wary if you’re not familiar with them.

『あさはかăȘり。。。 』
The Hype Train is the true final boss.


HD Shiina still a qt3.14

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fucking ninjas

I really need to read Heaven’s Door but yeah
 Shiina is pretty awesome. Her personality is comedic (from an outsider’s perspective) and a bad-ass. When they go into the guild in the anime and she falls for the obvious trap because of its cuteness is an example of the former. When she manages to take on the remaining shadows so Otonashi, Hinata, etc can join up with Yurippe is a good example of the latter.

Her character doesn’t get much development in the anime, and since Heaven’s Door is prior to that, I can’t imagine we get anything more than back story or development leading to her current character there. (Again, need to read it though.) I’m betting that her route will be my personal favorite in whichever beat it’s available, despite that.

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You’ll get a lot of cool character development for Shiina in Heaven’s Door but you won’t find much of a back story, she’s just a huge mystery. It just makes her route in the game just that much more suspenseful. Welcome to the Shiina-cchi hype train! (◎o◎)


Yeah. If anything, Heaven’s Door makes her 10 times MORE mysterious, and that’s very welcome imo :stuck_out_tongue:
She’s very much a central character of Heaven’s Door, and a good reason to read it.

Shiina in Heaven’s Door is more interesting than the anime, ten times over. Like, just knowing that she isn’t from the modern era already gives a huge insight into her own personality. Totally hyped for her route, and she is the person I am second most-interested to know more about

After TK :wink:


You actually will in Volume 6 :wink:

Shiina brings about a massive amount of questions about the world, the passage of time in the world, etc etc etc. She’s also undoubtedly the strongest of the SSS members at this point, but also is a good guideline as to what people in this world are capable of- Yuri showcases some similar strengths without the usage of Angel Player.

My words, I need to read it once I have some free time.
To me Shiina is one of the best designed chars in the anime. And to me I feel this kind of sadness yet mystery why she behaves like how she behaves
On the other hand she is a complete ninja bad-ass but at the same time she seems pretty funny too.

As I can see from others posts, shes a big mystery in the HD so Im kinda curious.
I think the only one thing we know from the anime is that she likes plushies and animals? Yeah something like that.

You really, really should.
Literally makes Angel Beats!

my fav girl in AB~ ^ ^
cute kunoichi who likes cute things. Double kyuuto!
Too bad the anime only focus on the main characters. that’s why I am so happy when she joined otonashi’s baseball team because she’d get more screentime

Will there be romance to spark between the kunoichi and the player (Otonashi)? I can’t even imagine how Otonashi would score on this cool heroine. That’s why I’m waiting for her route the most. Fufuhaha!


(AkiWolf is my real pseudo)

Personnaly, I love Shiina, she’s one of my favorite characters of ALL mangas -