Angel Beats! Operation Wars Guide

It gives you more exp. I haven’t seen any pattern with it, nor have I tried to measure how much more it gives. Getting them in the first place is probably just a rare chance. I’ll guess 5% for Great (or maybe 10) and 1% for Perfect. I’ll try and pay more attention, I guess.

Oh, and tapping on the screen has nothing to do with it, I’m almost 100% positive. It just speeds up the process so things don’t take forever. You can still get Greats and Perfects without tapping.

Thanks for the observations! I never noticed that one :smiley:

And yeah, great and perfect is just a chance that can happen to get more EXP when leveling :wink:

Also I think you get a huge bonus if the fed card has those orb things

Well, the bonus you get is when you feed higher-level cards.

I will need to check if feeding with a limit-break’d card gives more compared to a non-limit-break’d one, considering they are the same level

Big thanks, @LinkThinks! :smiley: I didn’t have enough Ns to test that out yet.

So I guess my original plan of fully Limit Breaking N cards, then using them only after 4 orbs was a good idea. Problem is, I don’t have enough card slots nowadays to do that all the time >_<

@Pepe I guess I should have checked around the internet more often. I started to write the ABOW Wikia 3 days ago and finished it today completely oblivious of this discussion page, haha. Thank you for writing the well written and thorough tutorial and all the others who contributed to the guide. It’s really nice seeing people enjoying the game together and helping each other.

I don’t know if you still are ambiguous about the “Skill Level,” but by now I believe everyone knows that the more you use a card, the more the value increases. By the time it reaches 100, your card’s power level increases by 20%. I believe the 20% also applies to the growth rate. The Skill Level of a card increases as long as it is in one of the four slots when the character it belongs to is used. It doesn’t matter if it is in the first slot or the Leader of the team.

Regarding Live, the card color definitely affects which type of ticket you obtain. In the Help tab it also says guitars would increase the rate of incoming food tickets.

Right now I am trying to make sense of the game mechanics in equipment skills, and I would love some help with it. The quest “Must not clear any [Color] blocks” (「」色ブロックを消さないでクリア) is my major obstacle in the game, and I figured equipping the whole team with conversion skill would help. However, you can’t use the skill without filling the green bar. You would think every block cleared would count toward filling the green bars, but apparently the game doesn’t work like that. It is difficult to explain with words, but I’ll try. It is as if the green bar has some kind of cooldown to being filled because not every slide is counted.

Say you have a full field of blue blocks after using all your skills.
Example 1: You clear two blocks. Nothing happens to your bar. Clear two more, nothing again. Once more, and the bar suddenly comes to life with a little bit of green.
Example 2: You clear 18 blocks, and the bar only fills quarter way.
Example 3: You clear all 36, and the bar only fills half way.

Continuing from Example 1, if you keep clearing the blue blocks in twos, it just becomes random, and I have no idea what to make sense from it. Sometimes you can fill the bar two times, sometimes three, sometimes more.

Thank you for reading my ramblings. Hope I can receive some help from you guys.

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That quest class is giving me trouble too… I don’t really have a good way around it except for winning very fast.

Also, does anyone know what the +4上 quests mean? I can’t read this one

EDIT: The bulldog operations are really hard lol, and I thought aardvark was awful…

I’m not even past Aardvark yet. o_o
I’ve been grinding, more or less. Lol

almost all of my medals have been going to alarm clocks

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Wow, what a coincidence :smiley: Care to put a link to the wikia? Perhaps all of us here could contribute, as this is really more of a quickstart guide to the game. Having a wikia would help us write down the info more in-depth I think.

EDIT: Is this the one:!_Operation_Wars ? Or is it a standalone wiki?

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@Pepe That’s the one, you got it. If people would like to contribute, that would be awesome.

@DaBackpack Those quests 「+N以上の装備を装着してクリア」 require you to have a piece of equipment with a certain grade (+N) equipped. For those, the best bet is to get something N rank and grind the crap out of that something to MAX rank. I had to waste at least 7,000 tickets of each type to get a maxed weapon.
I feel that spending anything on Alarm Clocks is not that worth it. I mean, you can get at least 3 or 4 Alarm Clocks in quests, and if you spend the medals you earn immediately on Alarm Clocks, there is little profit. But I guess you can get more quests done that way. I have been using my medals to stack gacha tickets for events, and I have 18 saved up.

I’m not past Aardvark yet, either. Right now I am going through every operation starting from Training and recording their card drops. The Limit Break EXP boost thing is really great (a god damn 41.5% boost), glad LinkThinks discovered that, and I thought it would be even better if you can control what you get in card drops.

EDIT: EVENT INBOUND IN 4 HOURS, starting from 2:00 AM, 9/11.

Uh oh time to grind again hahahaha

Yeah it seems pretty in-depth tho (the wikia) so nothing much to add. I wonder if we can make separate pages for the quests or for individual card info XD

Quest time…

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Just wrote up a quick guide for the latest event.

Can’t wait to get some of these new SRs! o/


Got the new Yuri SSR from my first Gacha of the day. It’s also my first ever SSR! My heart skipped like 14 beats and I died.


Woah lucky! Congrats on your first gacha-pulled SSR :smiley: I remember my reaction with my first hahaha

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Pray RNGesus. I pulled a yellow SSR Shiina, and with the event SSR, she went from eternal benched to front line in 10 minutes.

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hey guys i did a quickstart (pressed the red button on the 1st screen) and just played on so
now im changing to another device so im wondering how to transfer my acc to another device?
could anyone help me step by step? i really dont know anything about this

I can’t tell you step by step, but from my memory, you should open your default browser and go to http:/
You should be logged in there already. There you should find out how to add your email address. I remember it was a big button in your profile page or something like that. How to get to the profile page, well… You can figure that out yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways after adding your e-mail address and password, you can just log-in on your other device and you should be good to go

must i do it on the phone or on my PC?