@Pepe I guess I should have checked around the internet more often. I started to write the ABOW Wikia 3 days ago and finished it today completely oblivious of this discussion page, haha. Thank you for writing the well written and thorough tutorial and all the others who contributed to the guide. It’s really nice seeing people enjoying the game together and helping each other.
I don’t know if you still are ambiguous about the “Skill Level,” but by now I believe everyone knows that the more you use a card, the more the value increases. By the time it reaches 100, your card’s power level increases by 20%. I believe the 20% also applies to the growth rate. The Skill Level of a card increases as long as it is in one of the four slots when the character it belongs to is used. It doesn’t matter if it is in the first slot or the Leader of the team.
Regarding Live, the card color definitely affects which type of ticket you obtain. In the Help tab it also says guitars would increase the rate of incoming food tickets.
Right now I am trying to make sense of the game mechanics in equipment skills, and I would love some help with it. The quest “Must not clear any [Color] blocks” (「」色ブロックを消さないでクリア) is my major obstacle in the game, and I figured equipping the whole team with conversion skill would help. However, you can’t use the skill without filling the green bar. You would think every block cleared would count toward filling the green bars, but apparently the game doesn’t work like that. It is difficult to explain with words, but I’ll try. It is as if the green bar has some kind of cooldown to being filled because not every slide is counted.
Say you have a full field of blue blocks after using all your skills.
Example 1: You clear two blocks. Nothing happens to your bar. Clear two more, nothing again. Once more, and the bar suddenly comes to life with a little bit of green.
Example 2: You clear 18 blocks, and the bar only fills quarter way.
Example 3: You clear all 36, and the bar only fills half way.
Continuing from Example 1, if you keep clearing the blue blocks in twos, it just becomes random, and I have no idea what to make sense from it. Sometimes you can fill the bar two times, sometimes three, sometimes more.
Thank you for reading my ramblings. Hope I can receive some help from you guys.