Angel Beats! Heaven's Door Volume 10 Coming Soon

Spring has arrived, and with it comes exciting news for the Japanese savvy Angel Beats! fans and those lying in wait for the eventual localization- The Angel Beats! Heaven's Door manga will be having its 10th volume released in Japan this 27th of April.

In case you missed it, Seven

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Are they dancing or are they fighting? That looks weird

You can clearly see dancing. They’re holding hands (as most would do) when dancing to certain songs. Not to mention Kanade has a white mask that people would usually wear at dances.

The cover is referencing what’s going on in the story. (Volume 9)The SSS have managed to arrange a Christmas masquerade for the students, and Yuri was talking to Kanade when the volume ended.

Yup but you can also see Yuri pushing away Angel’s head like they are fighting.
And look at her face, she’s angry, bloodthirsty even.

But yeah, she’s like that all the time…